Installation Tasks
Installing a rack cabinet involves performing the following tasks:
1 Removing and replacing the rack doors
2 Removing and replacing the side panels
3 Reversing the front door and badge (optional)
4 Securing the leveling feet
5 Installing the stabilizer feet
6 Routing cables through the rack
7 Coupling two racks (optional)
8 Removing high-density rear door panels
Recommended Tools and Supplies
You may need the following tools and supplies to install the rack:
#2 Phillips screwdriver
Flat head screwdriver
12-mm wrench
Needle-nose pliers
4-mm Allen wrench (if you want to reverse the direction that the front
door opens)
5-mm Allen wrench (included in kit)
Keys to the rack doors and side panels
Removing and Replacing the Rack Doors
Because of the size and weight of the rack cabinet doors, never
attempt to remove or install them by yourself.
Store the doors where they will not injure someone if the doors
accidently fall over.
Removing the Front Door
1 Press the door-latch button to release the door handle, then open the front
door all the way (see Figure 1-1).
Dell™ PowerEdge™ 4210 Installation Guide