Copyright © 2020 Tiiwee. All rights reserved. This manual or any por on thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever.
Tiiwee X1 Alarm Kits
1. Introduc on
2. System overview
3. Installing your Tiiwee alarm system in four simple steps
4. Daily use of your alarm system
5. Expanding your system
Connec ng addi onal door sensors
Connec ng PIR mo on detectors
Connec ng remote controls
Adding addi onal sirens to your system
6. Dele ng accessories or changing the zones
Clearing all sensors from a zone. Reconnec ng a
sensor to a zone.
Disconnec ng remote controls
7. Ba ery life me, and low ba ery voltage
8. Replacing ba eries
9. Rese ng the X1-siren to factory se ngs
10. Window & door sensors
11. PIR mo on sensors
12. Customer service
1. Introduc on
Congratula ons with your new X1 Tiiwee Alarm Kit. The Tiiwee Alarm Kit is a
versa le alarm system that detects if people or animals are entering your
home or shop. It allows you to use several sensors with one or more alarms
in up to four different zones. These sensors (PIR Mo on Sensors, Window/
Door sensors) connect wirelessly to an alarm unit ("X1-siren"). This alarm
unit produces a doorbell-sound or a very loud siren. The alarm unit can be
placed on a fixed posi on or taken with you as you move around the house
or if you go to sleep.
A maximum of 10 sensors can be connected to each zone. Also, up to 10
remote controls can be paired with each alarm unit. A sensor or remote