Disconnec ng remote controls
IMPORTANT: With this procedure, you disconnect all remote controls.
Please reconnect the remote controls if you wish to operate the X1-siren
through one or more remote controls.
Deac vate the X1-siren by pressing the SET-bu on on the X1-siren or the
Deac va on-bu on on the remote control.
On the X1-siren, press the SET-bu on for 5 seconds. You hear a beep and
all four LEDs light up
On the X1-siren, press the SET-bu on again for 5 seconds. You will hear
four beeps and all the LEDs quickly blink four mes.
On the X1-siren, short press the On/Off-bu on to save the new se ngs.
All remote controls are now disconnected from the X1-siren. To reconnect
a remote control, please consult the chapter "Expanding your system –
connec ng remote controls".
7. Ba ery life me, and low ba ery voltage
The expected ba ery life me of all system components is 10-12 months
under normal condi ons. We recommend to check the ba eries regularly
and to replace them at least once a year. Please always use alkaline ba eries.
Replace ba eries when you no ce the following:
X1-siren: You hear 3 beeps every 20 seconds.
Door sensors: The red LED light of the sensor is blinking or is con nuous lit.
PIR mo on sensors: The indicator light in the front lights up con nuously.
PIR mo on sensors: When the indicator light has been switched off
manually, the low ba ery indica on will not ac ve. In this case, check the
correct opera on of the mo on sensor at regular intervals.
8. Replacing ba eries
Remote control: Remove the 3 screws onthe back of the remote control.
Open the remote control. Now, using a pin, nail or small screwdriver, li the
electronic board at the notch. This will give you access to the ba ery. Gently
remove the ba ery from its compartment by pushing it sideways. The
ba ery type is CR2032 (3V, Lithium ba ery). Please also refer to the image
X1-siren: Remove the screw at the bo om of the back panel. Now, slide off
the back panel and replace the ba eries with 3x AA size 1.5V alkaline
ba eries.
Door sensors:
Remove the screw at the bo om of the sensor. Now slide the sensor
upwards and remove it from the back panel.
Take out the old ba ery and replace it with a fresh AAA alkaline ba ery -
please note the correct polarity.
Slide the sensor on the back panel and secure it with the screw at the b
o om of the sensor.
PIR Mo on detectors: Slide off the back panel and replace the ba eries with
2 x AAA or 3x AAA ba eries depending on the model.
9. Rese ng the X1-siren to factory se ngs
This procedure erases all informa on which is related to sensors and remote
Take out one ba ery from the X1-siren.
While keeping the SET-bu on pressed, re-insert the ba ery.
A er a few seconds, you hear 10 beeps with longer intervals followed by
another 10 beeps with shorter intervals.
Now, release the SET-bu on.
Now, the X1-siren restarts automa cally.