First Pool Cleaning Session
This section explains how to proceed with the first cleaning session. The robot
is preset in the factory with certain configurations that enable you to
commence pool cleaning immediately. The settings made during this setup
session remain in use until changed by the operator.
Remote Unit
Figure 2: The MMI Dolphin Wave Console
To start a pool cleaning session directly after you have assembled
your Dolphin Wave, proceed as follows:
1. Lift the MMI's protective cover.
2. Connect the Wave power supply to the main power supply line.
3. Switch on the power supply. The MMI Wave screen opens in the home
4. Position the caddy with robot about 0.5–1.0 meter from the pool edge
with its sloping edge facing the swimming pool ensuring that the
floating cable is facing the direction of the Dolphin Wave power
supply unit.
5. According to the pool's size, release the appropriate length of cable.
Starting the First Cleaning Session
1. On the MMI press POOL. The robot starts moving towards the pool
and enters the swimming pool positioning itself on the pool floor.
2. Wait for the WAVE screen to appear.
3. Press Start. "Please select pool length" displays on the screen.
After 2 seconds the Pool Length Set Up screen appears.
Wave Home Screen
Keyboard Buttons