CAUTION: Res tricte d Acc es s Loc ation
This s erver is intended for inst allation only in restrict ed access locations as
defined in Cl. of I EC 60950-1: 2001 w here bot h thes e conditions apply:
Access can only be gained by s ervice persons or by us ers w ho have been
instructed about the reasons for the restrict ions applied to the location and
about any precaut ions that s hall be t aken.
Access is through the us e of a tool or lock and key, or ot her means of
security, and is controlled by the authority respons ible for the locat ion.
Installation and Configuration
WARNIN G: Before pe rforming the following proc e dure , rev ie w a nd follow the
safety ins tructions that ca me with the sy ste m.
Installing the Tool-Less Rail Solution
WARNIN G: Whe ne ve r y ou ne e d to lift the s ys te m, get others to a ss is t y ou.
To a v oid injury , do not atte mpt to lift the s yste m by y ourse lf.
WARNIN G: The s ys te m is not fix e d to the ra ck or mounte d on the ra ils . To
av oid pe rs ona l injury or da ma ge to the sy ste m, y ou mus t a de quately
s upport the s ys te m during ins ta llation a nd re mov a l.
WARNIN G: To av oid a pote ntia l e le ctric al s hoc k ha za rd, a third wire s afety
grounding c onductor is ne ce ss ary for the ra ck insta llation. The rac k
e quipme nt must provide s ufficie nt a irflow to the s ys tem to ma inta in prope r
c ooling.
CAUTION: Whe n insta lling ra ils in a s qua re-hole ra ck it is importa nt to
e ns ure that the s qua re pe g s lide s through the s qua re hole s .
Getting Started With Your System