Accuracy Table
DC power 600.0 A (CM4371, CM4372)
Displays the product of DC current and DC voltage.
Accuracy guarantee conditions, zero-display range, connection method, and band depend on the DC current
and DC voltage.
Display range switching*
0.0 VA to 1020 kVA
* Switches the display range automatically based on the voltage range.
DC power 2000 A (CM4373, CM4374)
Displays the product of DC current and DC voltage.
Accuracy guarantee conditions, zero-display range, connection method, and band depend on the DC current
and DC voltage.
Display range switching*
0.000 kVA to 3400 kVA
* Switches the display range automatically based on the voltage range.
Minimum resolution
0.1 VA
Minimum resolution
1 VA
HIOKI CM4371A976-00
Measurement accuracy
±2.0% rdg.±20 dgt.
Measurement accuracy
±2.0% rdg.±20 dgt.