Function test
To perform the function test, the device must be connected and ready for operation. The power factor (PF) of
the system must be between 0.6 > PF < 1. If the power factor is not within this range, this function cannot be
used. The connections (without neutral conductors) are checked using the setting 4BL/3BL/2BL/1BL. All con-
nections (with neutral conductors) are checked using the 4NBL and 3NBL setting.
Err 0
No error
Err 1/2/3
Current transformer connection phase 1/phase 2/phase 3
Err 4
Voltage between V1/V2
Err 5
Voltage between V2/V3
Err 6
Voltage between V3/V1
To eliminate Err 1, Err 2, and Err 3, change the order of the current connections (I1, I2, I3). To eliminate Err 4, Err 5, and
Err 6, change the order of the voltage connections (V1, V2, V3) of the measuring transducer.
Calling the function test
Press button:
The test menu is opened when the "test button" is pressed and held down for at least three seconds.
The function test is started automatically if a test has not yet been performed.
1 x
3 seconds
Figure 13
Calling the function test
Open edit mode via the ▶ button. Select "YES" or "NO" using ▲ or ▼. Confirm the setting with "OK".
Press and hold down the "test button" again for at least three seconds; the device switches to display mode again.