CanalPro Jeni
Manual disinfection
We recommend disinfecting the contra-angle with disinfecting wipes
Make sure to only use certified disinfecting agents free from chlorine from
officially recognised institutes.
Please follow the instructions on
After manual cleaning, disinfection and maintenance with oil, final thermal disinfection
of the contra-angle (without packaging) or sterilization (in a suitable packaging) in a
steam sterilizer of class B or S (in compliance with EN 13060) is necessary.
Mechanical cleaning and disinfection internal and external
The contra-angle is labelled with this symbol, it can therefore be cleaned and
disinfected in a thermal disinfector.
We recommend preparing the contra-angle in a thermal disinfector. Please
follow the instructions of the manufacturers of each device or cleaning and
disinfecting agent.
After thermal disinfection, please ensure that the all internal and external parts of
the contra-angle are completely dry. Any residual liquids have to be removed with
compressed air.
Immediately after thermal disinfection, the dry contra-angle must be lubricated
with oil.