The pump plunger is not driven directly by the throttle, but
through an intermediate Pump Drive Spring that extends the
duration of the "pump shot" past the time the throttle stops
moving. The Edelbrock Performer and Thunder Series AVS
carburetors have an external pump lever with three hole
locations for link attachment providing three distinct pump
Top Hole
delivery curves (Figure A).
If you encounter any hesitations or stumbles that do not seem
Middle Hole
to be related to the basic metering or have not responded
to changes in the basic metering, move the pump drive link
to one of the holes closer to the carburetor body. This will
Bottom Hole
increase the stroke length of the plunger and result in more
Figure A
pump delivery. See page 11 for factory Pump Drive Link
To properly adjust the floats in the Performer and Thunder AVS carburetors, two procedures must be followed. First, invert the airhorn cover (Figure
B) holding the airhorn gasket in place. There should be 7/16" between the airhorn gasket and the top of the outer end of the float. To adjust the float
level, bend the float lever until the recommended level is attained. DO NOT press the needle into the seat when adjusting the float lever. Next,
you should check the float drop (Figure C). Hold the airhorn upright and let the floats hang down. There should be 15/16" to 1" between the airhorn
gasket and the top of the outer end of the float. To adjust the float drop, bend the tab on the back until the recommended float drop is attained.
Off-Road USE: Although the Edelbrock Performer and Thunder Series AVS carburetor are not calibrated with hill climbing and other extreme off-road
operation in mind, they can be made to perform superbly by substituting Edelbrock #1465 spring loaded needle and seat for the original needle and
seat. The spring loaded needle and seat act like a shock absorber, reducing the possibility of flooding during off-road operation. After installation of
the new needle and seat, you must reset the float level to 7/16" and drop the float drop to 15/16 to 1" as outlined below.
Float Drop (15/16" to 1")
Float Level (7/16")
Figure B
Figure C
7/16" Drill Bit
The length of time during which the choke will stay closed is determined by the position of the choke
C (3/64")
cap. As the choke cap is turned clockwise the choke will stay closed longer. To properly set the choke,
loosen the choke cap retaining screws and turn the choke cap to the leanest notch on the choke housing.
Tighten the choke cap retaining screws, and run the engine until normal operating temperature is
reached. With the engine running, slowly turn the choke cap clockwise until the choke valve begins to
close. Now turn the choke housing one notch counterclockwise (LEAN) and tighten the choke housing
retaining screws. Periodic readjustment of the choke will be required as the temperature changes
throughout the year. After each adjustment verify that the choke valve opens fully after the engine is
To adjust the fast idle linkage (Figure D) place the fast idle screw A between the two notches on the cam.
Close the choke valve as far as possible without forcing it. The dimension C should be 3/64" between the
choke valve and the air horn. To adjust bend rod D.
Fast idle may be adjusted to manufacturers specifications (usually 1500 rpm) during normal choke cold
Fast idle linkage
operation. The fast idle screw A can be adjusted with engine off and throttle held open to allow screw
Figure D
head access. Recheck fast idle speed after each adjustment.
Performer and Thunder Series AVS Carburetors
©2013 Edelbrock LLC
Rev. 10/08/13 - QT/mc
Page 8
Brochure #63-0061