standard E-8, or equivalent.
(1). Connections between the vessel's AC system grounding conductor (green wire) and the
vessel's DC (Direct Current) negative or bonding system should be made as part of the
vessel's wiring, per ABYC standard E-9, or equivalent.
(2). When servicing or replacing existing equipment that contains a chassis-mounted ground
stud, the installer must check the vessel's wiring for the existence of the connection
required in item 1 above.
The a/c unit must be connected to the ship's bonding system to prevent
corrosion due to stray electrical current or voltage. All pumps, metallic valves and fittings in the
seawater circuit that are isolated from the a/c unit by PVC or rubber hoses must be individually
bonded to the vessels bonding system also. This will help eliminate any possibility of corrosion due
to stray current or voltage.
It is extremely important to ensure that wiring and phase
sequencing of a three-phase power source is correct. Marine
wiring standards call for power source phases L1, L2, and L3
to be color-coded BLACK, WHITE, and RED, respectively.
These must be connected to the unit with the proper
sequence; otherwise, it will not operate properly. If the wiring
sequence is incorrect, the unit's compressor (Scroll type only)
and pump (if applicable) will run in the reverse direction at a
significantly increased noise level.
3.13 Manual Controller Installation
DO NOT turn the unit off and immediately
turn it back on. Wait at least 30 seconds for refrigerant
pressures to stabilize.
Before mounting the manual controller, consider the
location. The manual controller should be mounted on an
inside wall, slightly higher than mid-height of the cabin. The cut out size for the manual controller
is 2 1/2" (64mm) wide by 3 5/16" (84mm). Do not mount the manual controller in direct sunlight,
near any heat producing appliances or in a bulkhead where temperatures radiating from behind
the panel may affect performance. Do not mount the manual controller in the supply air stream.
Do not mount the manual controller above or below a supply or return air grille. Do not mount the
manual controller behind a door, in a corner, under a stairwell or any place where there is no freely
circulating air. Mount the manual controller within display cable length (custom lengths available) of
the air conditioner. Plug the display cable into the circuit board in the electric box and into the back
of the manual controller.
Aire acondicionado para barcos y yates