Your ARION MAG ALU roller should arrive fully assem-
bled, checked and ready for use.
Before starting to use your ARION MAG ALU it is
necessary to adjust the centre distance of the rollers
to make them compatible with your bicycle's wheel-
This adjustment must be carried out as follows:
1) Measure the distance between the centres of the
wheels of the bicycle to be used on the ARION MAG
ALU (Fig. 2). We will call this dimension "X".
2) The distance from the intermediate point between
the two rear rollers to the middle of the ARION MAG
ALU front roller, which we will call "Y" (Fig.3), must
match or be as near as possible to dimension "X" .
The axle of the ARION MAG ALU front roller must be
positioned in the hole of the ARION MAG ALU frame
whose measurement given on the graduated scale is
closest to dimension "X" (Fig.4).
ATTENTION: Dimension "Y" must be equal to or
slightly greater than "X". The rollers can be adju-
sted to adapt them to bicycles whose wheelbase
is 944-1124 mm (37 to 44 inches).
3) To change Y it is necessary to shift the front roller E.
4) Fold the ARION MAG ALU until the drive belt H
5) Loosen the drive belt H , making it come off the
respective front and rear guides.
6) Unfold the ARION MAG ALU back into the open