Toshiba Carrier Corporation or, alternatively, he or she has been instructed in such matters by an individual or individuals who Installation of the outdoor unit ...................
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Warning indications on the air conditioner unit Definition of Protective Gear When the air conditioner is to be transported, installed, maintained, repaired or removed, wear protective gloves and “safety” work clothing. Warning indication Description In addition to such normal protective gear, wear the protective gear described below when undertaking the special work detailed in the table below.
• This appliance is intended to be used by expert or trained users Installation in shops, in light industry, or for commercial use by lay persons. • Follow the instructions in the Installation Manual to install the air • We do not take any responsibility on the local design. conditioner.
– 5 – • After the installation work, confirm that refrigerant gas does • Use wiring that meets the specifications in the Installation not leak. If refrigerant gas leaks into the room and flows near Manual and the stipulations in the local regulations and laws. a fire source, such as a cooking range, noxious gas may be Use of wiring which does not meet the specifications may give generated.
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Test run • If you have discovered that the fan grille is damaged, do not • Before operating the air conditioner after having completed the approach the outdoor unit but set the circuit breaker to the OFF work, check that the electrical parts box cover of the indoor unit position, and contact a qualified service person(*1) to have the and service panel of the outdoor unit are closed, and set the repairs done.
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• L’installateur qualifié est une personne qui installe, entretient, déplace et enlève les climatiseurs fabriqués par Toshiba Carrier Corporation. Il ou elle a été formé pour installer, entretenir, déplacer et enlever les former refrigerant, or refrigerating oil does not enter the climatiseurs fabriqués par Toshiba Carrier Corporation ou, alternativement, il ou elle a reçu des consignes...
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Indications d’avertissement relatives au climatiseur Définition de l’équipement de protection Lorsque le climatiseur doit être transporté, installé, entretenu, réparé ou mis au rebut, portez des gants de protection et des vêtements de « sécurité ». Indication d’avertissement Description En plus de cet équipement de protection normal, portez les protections décrites ci-dessous lorsque vous entreprenez les travaux spéciaux indiqués dans le tableau suivant.
à ce qu’elles soient conformes aux prescriptions extérieure et ainsi vous blesser. de Toshiba. L’utilisation d’une pièce non conforme peut être la • Lors d’un travail en hauteur, placez un panneau indicateur source d’un incendie, d’une secousse électrique, d’une fuite afin que personne ne s’approche du lieu de travail, avant de...
• Cet appareil est destiné aux utilisateurs spécialisés ou formés Installation dans les magasins, l’industrie légère ou pour un usage • Suivez les instructions du Manuel d’installation pour installer commercial par les personnes non spécialisées. le climatiseur. Ne pas suivre ces instructions peut entraîner la •...
– 11 – • Après l’installation, assurez-vous que le gaz réfrigérant ne fuit • Utilisez un câblage respectant les spécifications du Manuel pas. Si le gaz réfrigérant fuit dans la pièce et s’écoule à proximité d’installation et les dispositions des réglementations et de la d’une source inflammable, telle qu’une cuisinière, un gaz nocif législation locales.
Essai de fonctionnement • Si vous avez découvert que la grille de ventilation est • Avant de faire fonctionner le climatiseur après avoir terminé endommagée, n’approchez pas de l’unité extérieure et réglez le le travail, assurez-vous que le couvercle du boîtier des pièces coupe-circuit en position OFF, ensuite, contactez une personne électriques de l’unité...
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Qualifikationen und Fachwissen, über welche der Auftragnehmer verfügen muss elle aussi été remplacée. Par conséquent, durant l’installation, • Der qualifizierte Installateur ist ein Auftragnehmer, der die von der Toshiba Carrier Corporation assurez-vous que l’eau, la poussière, le réfrigérant précédent ou hergestellten Klimaanlagen installiert, wartet, umsetzt und entsorgt.
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Definitionen zur Schutzkleidung Warnanzeigen an der Klimaanlage Wenn die Klimaanlage transportiert, installiert, gewartet, repariert oder entsorgt werden soll, tragen Sie Schutzhandschuhe und Arbeitsschutzbekleidung. Tragen Sie zusätzlich zu dieser normalen Schutzkleidung die unten aufgeführte Schutzkleidung, wenn Sie die in Warnanzeige Beschreibung der unteren Tabelle genannten Spezialarbeiten ausführen.
Gegenstände darauf ab. Anderenfalls können Sie abstürzen, • Verwenden Sie im Fall, dass Sie getrennt erhältliche Produkte oder Gegenstände können herunterfallen. In beiden Fällen verwenden, nur von Toshiba angegebene Produkte. Die besteht Verletzungsgefahr. Verwendung nicht angegebener Produkte kann zu Bränden, •...
• Dieses Gerät soll von Sachverständigen oder geschulte Installation Anwender verwendet werden in Geschäften, in der • Installieren Sie die Klimaanlage entsprechend den Anweisungen Leichtindustrie, oder für die kommerzielle Nutzung von Laien. im Installationshandbuch. Bei Missachtung dieser Anweisungen • Wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für die lokale Gestaltung. kann das Gerät hinunterfallen, umkippen oder Geräusche, Vibrationen, Wasseraustritte oder andere Störungen verursachen.
– 17 – • Vergewissern Sie sich daher nach der Installation noch einmal, • Beachten Sie beim Legen von elektrischen Leitungen dass kein Kühlmittel austreten kann. Wenn Kühlmittelgase die Spezifikationen im Installationshandbuch sowie die austreten und in einen Raum mit einem Herd oder Ofen Bestimmungen der lokalen Gesetze und die Rechtsvorschriften.
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Testlauf • Wenn das Ventilatorgitter beschädigt ist, das Außengerät • Bevor Sie die Klimaanlage nach Abschluss der Arbeiten selbst nicht anrühren, sondern den Schutzschalter ausschalten betreiben, stellen Sie sicher, dass die Abdeckung des und einen Kundendienstfachmann (*1) rufen. Stellen Sie den Elektrokastens am Innengerät und das Wartungspaneel Schutzschalter erst wieder auf die Position ON (ein), nachdem des Außengeräts geschlossen sind, und stellen Sie den...
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Toshiba Carrier Corporation, o, in alternativa, ha ricevuto istruzioni relative a tali argomenti da parte di uno Größe der Anschlüsse zur Befüllung der Haupteinheit geändert Installatore o più...
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Definizione di attrezzatura protettiva Indicazioni di avvertimento sul condizionatore d’aria Quando è necessario trasportare, installare, sottoporre a manutenzione, riparare o rimuovere il condizionatore d’aria, indossare guanti di protezione e indumenti da lavoro di sicurezza. Oltre alla normale attrezzatura protettiva, indossare l’attrezzatura protettiva descritta di seguito quando si Indicazione di avvertimento Descrizione intraprendono i lavori speciali descritti in dettaglio nella tabella seguente.
• In caso d’uso di parti da acquistare a parte è necessario provocare lesioni personali. che siano del tipo specificato da Toshiba. L’uso di parti non • Quando si lavora in altezza, sistemare un cartello in modo che esplicitamente autorizzate può divenire causa d’incendio, scosse nessuno si avvicini alla sede dei lavori, prima di procedere elettriche, fuoriuscite d’acqua o malfunzionamenti del sistema.
• Il presente apparecchio deve essere utilizzato da utenti esperti Installazione o formati nei negozi, nel settore dell’illuminazione o per uso • Attenersi alle istruzioni nel Manuale di installazione per installare il condizionatore d’aria. La mancata osservanza di queste commerciale dai non addetti ai lavori. istruzioni potrebbe infatti causare la caduta o il ribaltamento delle •...
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– 23 – • Una volta completata l’installazione è quindi di estrema • Utilizzare cablaggi che soddisfino le specifiche nel Manuale di importanza verificare che non vi siano perdite. Qualora si installazione e le direttive delle norme e nelle leggi locali. L’uso verifichi una perdita di gas refrigerante in una stanza e il gas di cablaggi che non soddisfino le specifiche potrebbe provocare entri in contatto con delle fiamme, ad esempio in una cucina, si...
Prova di funzionamento • Se la griglia della ventola è danneggiata, non avvicinarsi all’unità • Prima di far funzionare il condizionatore d’aria, dopo aver completato esterna ma portare l’interruttore in posizione OFF (spento) e rivolgersi al personale di assistenza qualificato (*1) perché il lavoro, verificare che il coperchio della cassetta dei componenti elettrici dell’unità...
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él o ella es una persona que ha sido formada en temas relacionados con el trabajo de manejo del refrigerante y de los tubos de los aparatos de aire acondicionado fabricados por Toshiba Carrier Corporation o, en otro caso, él o ella han recibido instrucciones para realizar tales trabajos de un individuo o individuos ya formados y que, por lo tanto, tienen un conocimiento extenso relacionado con este trabajo.
Definición del equipo de protección Indicaciones de advertencia en la unidad de aire acondicionado Cuando el aparato de aire acondicionado vaya a ser transportado, instalado, mantenido, reparado o desechado, póngase guantes de protección y ropas de trabajo seguras. Además de tal equipo de protección normal, póngase el equipo de protección descrito a continuación cuando Indicación de advertencia Descripción realice trabajos especiales como los descritos en la tabla que aparece a continuación.
• Si utiliza productos que se venden por separado, asegúrese • Cuando trabaje en un lugar alto, antes de empezar a trabajar, de utilizar sólo productos especificados por Toshiba. El uso ponga un aviso para que nadie se acerque al lugar de trabajo.
• Este aparato está destinado a ser utilizado por usuarios expertos Instalación o formados en tiendas, industria ligera o para uso comercial por • Siga las instrucciones del manual de instalación para instalar el aparato de aire acondicionado. Si no se cumplen estas parte de personas no expertas.
– 29 – • Tras la instalación, asegúrese de que no existen fugas de gas • Use cables que cumplan con las especificaciones del manual de refrigerante. Si se produce una fuga de gas refrigerante en la instalación y las estipulaciones de las normas y leyes locales. habitación y hay una fuente de fuego próxima, como una cocina, El uso de cables que no cumplen con las especificaciones podría generarse gas nocivo.
Prueba de funcionamiento • Si detecta que la rejilla del ventilador está dañada, no se dirija • Antes de utilizar el aparato de aire acondicionado después de a la unidad exterior, sino desconecte el disyuntor, y póngase en contacto con una persona de mantenimiento cualificada (*1) completar el trabajo de instalación, verifique que la cubierta de la caja de componentes eléctricos de la unidad interior y del panel para que la repare.
• O instalador qualificado e autorizado para trabalhar em altura teve formação em matérias relacionadas com o trabalho em altura com os aparelhos de ar condicionado fabricados pela Toshiba Carrier para R410A, y tenga la precaución de evitar la entrada de agua Corporation ou, alternativamente, recebeu instruções relacionadas com estas operações de pessoas que...
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Indicações de Aviso sobre o Ar Condicionado Definição do Equipamento de Protecção Quando transportar, instalar, manter, reparar ou eliminar o aparelho de ar condicionado, utilize luvas de protecção e vestuário de trabalho de segurança. Indicação de aviso Descrição Além deste equipamento de protecção normal, utilize o equipamento de protecção descrito abaixo quando efectuar o trabalho especial descrito detalhadamente na tabela abaixo.
• Não suba para nem coloque objectos sobre a unidade exterior. • Se utilizar produtos vendidos separadamente, certifique-se de Pode cair ou os objectos podem cair da unidade exterior e utilizar somente produtos especificados pela Toshiba. Utilizar provocar ferimentos. produtos não especificados pode causar um incêndio, choque •...
• Este aparelho foi feito para ser utilizado por peritos ou utilizadores Instalação treinados, nas lojas, na indústria leve ou para utilização comercial • Siga as instruções fornecidas no Manual de Instalação para por pessoas leigas. instalar o ar condicionado. O incumprimento destas instruções •...
– 35 – • Após o trabalho de instalação, confirme que não haja nenhuma • Utilize cablagens que cumpram as especificações fornecidas no fuga do gás refrigerante. Se houver uma fuga de gás refrigerante Manual de Instalação e as condições nas leis e regulamentos para o compartimento que entre em contacto com uma chama, locais.
Teste de funcionamento • Se descobrir que a grelha da ventoinha está danificada, não • Antes de utilizar o ar condicionado após a conclusão do se aproxime da unidade exterior, mas coloque o disjuntor na posição desligada e contacte um técnico de assistência trabalho, verifique se a tampa da caixa do equipamento eléctrico da unidade interior e o painel de serviço da unidade exterior qualificado (*1) para proceder à...
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água, poeira, refrigerante anterior ou óleo de refrigeração door de Toshiba Carrier Corporation, of anders is hij of zij geïnstrueerd in dergelijke ingrepen door een persoon of personen die daarvoor zijn opgeleid, en beschikt als zodanig over alle vereiste kennis voor anterior no ciclo de refrigeração.
Definitie van beschermende kleding Waarschuwingsaanduidingen op de airconditioner Wanneer de airconditioner wordt vervoerd, geïnstalleerd, onderhouden, gerepareerd of verwijderd, moet u beschermende werkhandschoenen en veiligheidskleding dragen. Naast dergelijke normale veiligheidswerkkleding dient u de hieronder beschreven speciale beschermende kleding Waarschuwingsaanduiding Beschrijving te dragen voor de werkzaamheden vermeld in de onderstaande tabel. Werken aan de apparatuur zonder beschermende kleding te dragen is gevaarlijk, omdat u kwetsbaarder bent voor WAARSCHUWING WARNING...
• Plaats nooit voorwerpen op de buiteneenheid en klim er niet • Gebruik uitsluitend de door Toshiba gespecificeerde, los verkrijgbare bovenop. U zou er af kunnen vallen of een voorwerp kan van de onderdelen en producten. Het gebruik van nietgespecificeerde buiteneenheid af vallen en letsel veroorzaken.
• Dit apparaat is bedoeld voor gebruik door deskundige of ervaren Installatie gebruikers in winkels, in de lichte industrie of voor commercieel • Bij het installeren van de airconditioner volgt u de aanwijzingen gebruik door een leek. in de installatiehandleiding. Het systeem zou kunnen vallen, kantelen of extra ruis, trillingen, waterlekkage en andere •...
– 41 – • Controleer na het installeren dat er geen koelmiddel lekt. • Gebruik bedrading die voldoet aan de specificaties in de Wanneer ontsnapt gasvormig koelmiddel in de buurt of in contact installatiehandleiding en de ter plaatse geldende voorschriften komt met open vuur, zoals bij een gasfornuis, kunnen giftige en wetten.
Testen • Als u bemerkt dat het ventilatierooster is beschadigd, blijft • Nadat u de werkzaamheden hebt voltooid dient u voor het u uit de buurt van de buitenunit, zet de stroomonderbreker op de positie OFF (UIT) en neem contact op met bevoegd inschakelen van de airconditioner eerst te controleren of het deksel van de elektriciteitskast van de binneneenheid en het onderhoudspersoneel (*1) om de reparaties uit te voeren.
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εκπαιδευτεί στην εγκατάσταση, συντήρηση, αλλαγή θέσης και απόρριψη των κλιματιστικών παραγωγής της Toshiba Carrier Corporation ή, εναλλακτικά, έχει λάβει οδηγίες σχετικά με την εκτέλεση των εν λόγω eerder gebruikte koelvloeistof of koelolie in de koelcyclus εργασιών...
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Ορισμός εξοπλισμού προστασίας Προειδοποιητικές ενδείξεις πάνω στην κλιματιστική μονάδα Όταν πραγματοποιείται μεταφορά, εγκατάσταση, συντήρηση, επισκευή ή αφαίρεση του κλιματιστικού, να φοράτε προστατευτικά γάντια και ρουχισμό εργασίας ‘ασφαλείας’. Πέραν του συγκεκριμένου συνήθους εξοπλισμού προστασίας, να φοράτε τον εξοπλισμό προστασίας που Προειδοποιητική ένδειξη Περιγραφή...
• Εάν χρησιμοποιείτε προϊόντα που πωλούνται ξεχωριστά, φροντίστε • Όταν εργάζεστε σε υψηλό σημείο, αναρτήστε μια να είναι αποκλειστικά και μόνο προϊόντα με προδιαγραφές Toshiba. προειδοποιητική πινακίδα σε κατάλληλο σημείο ώστε να μην Η χρήση απροσδιόριστων προϊόντων ενδέχεται να προκαλέσει...
• Η συσκευή αυτή προορίζεται για χρήση από έμπειρους ή Εγκατάσταση εκπαιδευμένους χρήστες σε καταστήματα, στην ελαφριά βιομηχανία • Ακολουθήστε τις οδηγίες που αναγράφονται στο Εγχειρίδιο ή για εμπορική χρήση από ανειδίκευτα άτομα. Εγκατάστασης για να εγκαταστήσετε το κλιματιστικό. Η μη •...
– 47 – • Μετά τις εργασίες εγκατάστασης, βεβαιωθείτε ότι δεν υπάρχει • Να χρησιμοποιείτε καλωδιώσεις οι οποίες πληρούν τις διαρροή του ψυκτικού αερίου. Τυχόν διαρροή του ψυκτικού αερίου προδιαγραφές του Εγχειριδίου Εγκατάστασης και τις απαιτήσεις στο χώρο και κίνησή του κοντά σε πηγή φωτιάς, όπως εστία των...
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Δοκιμαστική λειτουργία • Αν διαπιστώσετε ότι η γρίλια του ανεμιστήρα έχει βλάβη, μην • Μόλις ολοκληρωθούν οι εργασίες και πριν θέσετε το κλιματιστικό πλησιάσετε την εξωτερική μονάδα, αλλά θέστε το διακόπτη σε λειτουργία, βεβαιωθείτε ότι το κάλυμμα του κιβωτίου κυκλώματος στη θέση OFF και επικοινωνήστε με έναν ηλεκτρικών...
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относящуюся к прокладке трубопровода хладагента и его транспортировке, как предусмотрено местным законодательством и нормативами и является лицом, обученным прокладке трубопровода хладагента и его транспортировке при работе с кондиционерами компании Toshiba Carrier Corporation или проинструктированным относительно таких действий лицом или лицами, прошедшими...
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Определение средств индивидуальной защиты Предупреждающие символы на корпусе кондиционера При перевозке, установке, техническом обслуживании, ремонте или демонтаже кондиционера одевайте защитные перчатки и спецодежду. В дополнение к данным обычным средствам индивидуальной защиты одевайте средства индивидуальной Предупреждающий символ Описание защиты, приведенные ниже, при выполнении специальных работ, перечисленных в таблице ниже. Если...
на верхнюю часть наружного блока. Вы можете упасть, обязательно используйте только изделия, указанные или же эти предметы могут свалиться с наружного блока и компанией Toshiba. Использование изделий, не указанных причинить травму. производителем, может привести к пожару, поражению • До начала выполнения высотных работ нужно выставить...
• Это устройство предназначено для использования Установка специалистом или обученными пользователями в магазинах, • При установке кондиционера следуйте указаниям на предприятиях легкой промышленности или для руководства по установке. Несоблюдение этих инструкций коммерческого использования непрофессионалами. может привести к падению или опрокидыванию изделия, •...
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– 53 – • По окончании монтажных работ убедитесь в отсутствии • Используйте электропроводку, которая отвечает техническим характеристикам, приведенным в данном руководстве по утечек хладагента. Утечка хладагента и формирование его установке, а также местным нормативам и требованиям потока в непосредственной близости от источников огня, законодательства.
Пробный пуск • Если вы обнаружили повреждение решетки • Перед тем как запускать кондиционер после окончания работ воздухозаборника, не подходите к наружному блоку, вместо на нем, проверьте, что крышка электрического отделения этого установите сетевой выключатель в положение OFF внутреннего блока и служебная панель наружного блока (ВЫКЛ) и...
– 55 – Accessory parts ВНИМАНИЕ Установка кондиционера с хладагентом R410A Part name Q’ty Shape Usage • В данном кондиционере используется хладагент HFC Owner’s Manual – (Be sure to hand over to customers) (R410A), не разрушающий озоновый слой. Installation Manual –...
Installation of R410A refrigerant air Selection of installation place conditioner Upon customer’s approval, install the air conditioner in a place which satisfies the following conditions: • Place where it can be installed horizontally. This air conditioner adopts the R410A refrigerant which does not deplete the ozone layer. •...
– 57 – Installation space Model name Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 (Standard type) MMY-UP2611 MMY-MUP1401 MMY-MUP1201 – – – Leave space necessary for running, installation and servicing. MMY-UP2811 MMY-MUP1401 MMY-MUP1401 – – – Air discharge MMY-UP3011 MMY-MUP1801 MMY-MUP1201...
Weight centre and weight Carrying in the outdoor unit Weight center of an outdoor unit CAUTION Handle the outdoor unit carefully, observing the following items. • When using a forklift truck or other machinery for loading/unloading in transportation, insert the fork of the forklift truck into the rectangular holes for handling as shown below.
– 59 – Installation of the outdoor unit • Anchor bolt positions are as shown below: (Unit : mm) WARNING 244 or more 1076 239 or more • Be sure to install the outdoor unit in a place able to bear its weight. 310 or more 350 or more If strength is insufficient, the unit may fall down resulting in human injury.
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5. Be careful of the connecting arrangement of the header unit and follower units. Set the outdoor units in order of When drawing pipes downward capacity from the one with the largest capacity. (A (Header unit) ≥ B ≥ C) [Vertical connection of branch units] •...
– 61 – Refrigerant piping REQUIREMENT • For a welding work of the refrigerant pipes, be sure to use nitrogen gas in order to prevent oxidation of the inside of the pipes; otherwise clogging of the refrigerating cycle due to oxidized scale may occur. WARNING •...
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(Unit: mm) Pipe diameter Type Draw-out forward Draw-out downward Connected section Liquid External size Internal size Standard outer dia. Cut the L-shaped pipe at the horizontal Cut the L-shape pipe at the vertical straight Min. depth of Min. thickness of connected Standard outer dia.
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– 63 – Capacity code of indoor and outdoor units Table 2-1 [Diversity 135%] • For the indoor unit, the capacity code is decided at each capacity rank. (Table 1) • The capacity codes of the outdoor units are decided at each capacity rank. The maximum number of connectable Capacity code Total Model name...
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Capacity code Total Capacity code Total Model name Max. No. Model name Max. No. capacity Diversity capacity Diversity (MMY-) of indoor (MMY-) of indoor Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent of indoor of indoor [ Standard ] units [ Standard ] units to HP to capacity to HP...
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– 65 – Header Follower Follower Follower Follower Piping parts Name Selection of pipe size Remarks unit A unit B unit C unit D unit E Pipe size for connecting piping between outdoor units Total capacity codes of Outdoor unit the total outdoor units at the downstream side Gas side...
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Piping parts Name Selection of pipe size Remarks Piping parts Name Selection of pipe size Remarks Pipe size between branching sections Selection of branching section (Branching header) Total capacity code of indoor units Total capacity codes of indoor units at Model name downstream side Equivalent to capacity (HP)
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– 67 – Allowable length of refrigerant pipes and allowable height Cautions for installation • Set the outdoor unit first connected to the bridging pipe to the indoor units as the header unit. difference between units • Install the outdoor units in order of their capacity codes: A (header unit) ≥ B ≥ C ≥ D ≥ E •...
Airtightness test Able to detect a serious leakage 1. Apply pressure 0.3 MPa (3.0 kg/cm G) for 5 minutes or more. 2. Apply pressure 1.5 MPa (15 kg/cm G) for 5 minutes or more. After the refrigerant piping has been finished, execute an airtight test. For an airtight test, connect a nitrogen gas canister as shown in the figure on this page and apply pressure.
– 69 – Vacuum drying Adding refrigerant After finishing vacuuming, exchange the vacuum pump with a refrigerant canister and start additional charging of • Be sure to perform vacuuming from both liquid and gas sides. refrigerant. • Be sure to use a vacuum pump equipped with the counter-flow prevention function so that oil in the pump will not flow back into piping for air conditioners.
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Table 3-1 System HP Conbination HP Compensation by System HP (kg) Corrective amount of refrigerant varies according to indoor unit capacity rank. 10.1 10.1 Indoor unit Capacity 003 005 007 008 009 010 012 014 015 018 020 024 027 030 036 048 056 072 096 rank 10.3 Capacity code...
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– 71 – Full opening of the valve Heat insulation for pipe • Apply heat insulation of pipe separately at the liquid, gas, and balance sides. Open the valves of the outdoor unit fully. • Be sure to use thermal insulator resistant up to 120°C or higher for pipes at the gas side. Packed valve Using a 5 mm-hexagonal wrench, turn the valve shaft counterclockwise fully to open it.
Electric wiring Power wiring selection Single unit WARNING Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 The appliance shall be installed in accordance with national wiring regulations. Capacity shortages of the power circuit or an incomplete installation may cause an electric shock or fire. ELCB ELCB ELCB...
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– 73 – Combination of outdoor unit MCA: Minimum Circuit Amps MOCP: Maximum Overcurrent Protection (Amps) Model name Phase supply Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 MOCP MOCP MOCP MOCP MOCP MMY-UP2611 MMY-MUP1401 MMY-MUP1201 − − −...
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Communication line Specifications for communication wiring TU2C-Link models (U series) can be combined with TCC-Link models (other than U series). Design of communication wiring For details of communication type, refer to the following table. Summary of communication wiring Communication type and model names TU2C-Link TCC-Link Header outdoor...
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– 75 – Table-1 Uv line and Uc line REQUIREMENT Wiring 2-core, non-polarity • For the central control line (L1) when U-series outdoor units and outdoor units other than U-series are Type Shield wire connected to the central control device, follow the communication wiring specifications for outdoor unit other Size/Length 1.0 to 1.5 mm²...
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Group control through a remote controller Connection of power supply wires and communication wires If U series models (TU2C-Link) are combined with models other than U series (TCC-Link), Remove knockouts on the piping / wiring panel on the front of the unit and the panel on the bottom to get the the wiring specifications and maximum number of connectable indoor units will be changed.
– 77 – Address setting Screw size and tightening torque Tightening torque Screw size On this unit, it is required to set the addresses of the indoor units before starting air conditioning. (N•m) Set the addresses following the steps below. Power supply terminal 2.5 to 3.0 Earth screw...
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2. Follow the steps below to set the DIP switch on the header (Example) Controlling 2 or more refrigerant lines as a group (*) outdoor unit interface P.C. board. Outdoor Outdoor 2-1.Header outdoor unit setting Turn on DIP switch 1 of SW101 on the header outdoor unit interface P.C. boards. And, turn on DIP switch 2 of SW100.
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– 79 – Switch settings for a line (system) address on the interface P.C. board on the outdoor unit (2) Turn on DIP switch 1 of SW100 on the header outdoor unit interface P.C. board of the lowest : switch ON, : switch OFF) system address number.
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4. Open the access door cover and follow the steps below to set REQUIREMENT the address. • When 2 or more refrigerant lines are controlled as a group, be sure to turn on all the indoor units in the group before setting addresses.
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– 81 – Changing the indoor unit address using a remote controller NOTE 1. The Code No. [E04] (Indoor / outdoor communication trouble) will appear if line (system) addresses are To change an indoor unit address using a wired remote controller. mistakenly set.
Communication setting Interface P.C. board on the header outdoor unit This product needs setting either TU2C-Link or TCC-Link communication after the address setting. Follow the procedure below for the communication setting .TCC-Link communication has been set as the factory default. 3,5,6,8,9,10 CAUTION •...
– 83 – Applicable control settings Interface P.C. board of header unit When connecting an optional P.C. board (sold separately) for outdoor units, it is necessary to change the settings of the outdoor unit. 3,5,7 All are set to [Standard (factory setting)] at the time of shipment, so change the settings of the outdoor unit as necessary.
Test run When executing a test run using Push and hold SW04 for more than 10 the interface P.C. board on the seconds. Before test run Wired remote controller outdoor unit 7-segment display Be sure to stop the air conditioner before making You can execute a test run by operating switches Confirm that the valve of the refrigerate pipe of the settings.
– 85 – <Collective trial> Interface P.C. board Start operation Set the rotary switches on the interface P.C. board of the header outdoor unit as below. When in “COOL” mode: SW01=[2], SW02=[5], SW03=[1]. When in “HEAT” mode: SW01=[2], SW02=[6], SW03=[1]. Push switch When in “FAN”...
Troubleshooting Check code Indication on 7-segment display on the outdoor unit Check code name In addition to the CODE No. on the remote controller of an indoor unit, you can diagnose failure type of an outdoor Auxiliary code unit by checking the 7-segment display on the interface P.C. board. 01: TG1 sensor Use the function for various checks.
– 87 – Machine card and logbook Check code Indication on 7-segment display on the outdoor unit Check code name Machine card Auxiliary code 1 : Compressor 1 side 2 : Compressor 2 side Heat sink overheating trouble After test run, fill the items on the machine card and paste the card on an accessible place on the product securely 00: Compressor 1 side or Compressor 2 side before delivery to the customer.
Appendix WARNINGS ON REFRIGERANT LEAKAGE Regulation of harmonic currents Check of Concentration Limit This equipment complies with IEC 61000-3-12 provided that the short-circuit power Ssc is greater than or equal The room in which the air conditioner is to be installed requires a design that in the event of refrigerant to Ssc (*1) at the interface point between the user’s supply and the public system.
– 89 – Important NOTE 2 The standards for minimum room volume are as follows. 1) No partition (shaded portion) 2) When there is an effective opening with the Outdoor unit adjacent room for ventilation of leaking refrigerant Refrigerant piping gas (opening without a door, or an opening 0.15% or larger than the respective floor spaces at the Indoor unit...
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IM_1141001201-2_Book.indd 90 IM_1141001201-2_Book.indd 90 5/2/2564 BE 16:27 5/2/2564 BE 16:27...