9600 baud rate
No parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit
No flow control
The CLI prompt appears (FTOS>_) when you are connected to the S5000.
NOTE: Only one of the console ports can be active at a time; the USB console takes
priority over the RJ-45 console by default. When a USB Host (PC) is plugged into the
USB console port, the hardware automatically switches over to use the USB
console. When you remove the USB cable or the PC deactivates the USB
connection, the hardware automatically switches to the RJ-45 console interface.
Enter the Initial Configuration Information
To set up the switch, assign an IP address and other configuration information
necessary for the switch to communicate with the local routers and the Internet. The
minimal configuration provided here does not cover most of the features; it simply allows
you to perform other configuration tasks using a Telnet connection from your
management network. To configure other features and interfaces, refer to the
Configuration Guide for the S5000 Switch .
IP Settings
You will need the following information from your network administrator:
Switch IP address
Subnet mask (IP netmask)
Default gateway (router)
Enable secret password
Enable password
Telnet password
Configuring the Enable Password
To access EXEC Privilege mode, use the enable command. EXEC Privilege mode is
unrestricted by default. Configure a password as a basic security measure.
There are two types of enable passwords:
enable password — stores the password in the running/startup
configuration using a data encryption standard (DES) encryption method.