Toshiba MMU-AP0094HP-E Manual De Instalación
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Enlaces rápidos Page 1 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 1:47 PM
Installation Manual
Indoor Unit
For commercial use
Model name:
4-way Cassette Type


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Resumen de contenidos para Toshiba MMU-AP0094HP-E

  • Página 1 Page 1 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 1:47 PM AIR CONDITIONER (MULTI TYPE) Installation Manual Indoor Unit For commercial use Model name: 4-way Cassette Type MMU-AP0094HP-E MMU-AP0124HP-E MMU-AP0154HP-E MMU-AP0184HP-E MMU-AP0244HP-E MMU-AP0274HP-E MMU-AP0304HP-E MMU-AP0364HP-E MMU-AP0484HP-E MMU-AP0564HP-E English...
  • Página 2: Tabla De Contenido Page 1 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 1 – Contents Original instruction Please read this Installation Manual carefully before installing the Air Conditioner. 1 Precautions for safety ..........3 •...
  • Página 3 Toshiba Carrier Corporation or, alternatively, he or she has been instructed in such matters by an individual or individuals who have been trained and is thus thoroughly acquainted with the knowledge related to this work.
  • Página 4: Precautions For Safety Page 3 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 3 – Precautions for safety  Warning indications on the air conditioner unit The manufacturer shall not assume any liability for the damage caused by not observing the description of this Warning indication Description manual.
  • Página 5 Page 4 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Installation Explanations given to user • When the indoor unit is to be suspended, the designated hanging bolts (M10 or W3/8) and nuts (M10 or W3/8) must • Upon completion of the installation work, tell the user where the circuit breaker is located. If the user does not know be used.
  • Página 6 • L’installateur qualifié est une personne qui installe, entretient, déplace et enlève les climatiseurs Réparation de l’unité fabriqués par Toshiba Carrier Corporation. Il ou elle a été formé pour installer, entretenir, déplacer et Gants pour fournir une protection contre les décharges électriques et la chaleur extérieure...
  • Página 7: Précautions De Sécurité Page 6 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Précautions de sécurité  Avertissements apposés sur le climatiseur Le fabricant ne peut être tenu responsable pour tout dommage causé par le non respect des instructions et Indication d’avertissement Description descriptions de ce manuel. WARNING AVERTISSEMENT AVERTISSEMENT...
  • Página 8 Page 7 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 7 – Installation • Une fois le travail terminé, utilisez un contrôleur d’isolement (mégohmmètre de 500 V) afin de vérifier que la résistance est de 1 MΩ minimum entre la section de charge et la section métallique sans charge (Section terre). Si •...
  • Página 9 Die Person ist im Einbau, in der Reparatur und in der Wartung sowie im Umzug und Ausbau von Klimageräten der Toshiba Carrier Corporation geschult oder wurde von einer geschulten Person oder geschulten Personen unterwiesen und verfügt aufgrund dessen über gründliche Kenntnisse, die sie zur Ausführung dieser Arbeiten befähigen.
  • Página 10: Vorsichtsmaßnahmen Für Die Sicherheit Page 9 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 9 – Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Sicherheit  Warnhinweise am Klimagerät Der Hersteller übernimmt keinerlei Haftung für durch Nichtbeachtung der Beschreibungen in diesem Handbuch Warnanzeige Beschreibung entstandene Schäden. WARNING WARNUNG WARNUNG ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Allgemeines GEFAHR EINES ELEKTRISCHEN SCHLAGS...
  • Página 11 Page 10 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM • Installieren Sie die Klimaanlage entsprechend den Anweisungen im Installationshandbuch. Bei Missachtung dieser Dem Benutzer mitzuteilende Informationen Anweisungen kann das Gerät hinunterfallen, umkippen oder Geräusche, Vibrationen, Wasseraustritte oder andere • Teilen Sie dem Benutzer nach Abschluss der Installationsarbeiten mit, wo sich der Schutzschalter befindet. Sollte Probleme verursachen.
  • Página 12 è stato addestrato a lavorare a svolgere i lavori di gestione del refrigerante e di posa dei tubi direttamente da Toshiba Carrier Corporation o da uno o più individui in possesso della necessaria formazione ed è pertanto idoneo a svolgere tale lavoro.
  • Página 13: Precauzioni Per La Sicurezza Page 12 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Precauzioni per la sicurezza  Indicazioni di avvertimento sul condizionatore d’aria Il produttore non si assume alcuna responsabilità per i danni causati dalla mancata osservazione delle descrizioni Indicazione di avvertimento Descrizione del presente manuale.
  • Página 14 Page 13 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 13 – Installazione • Se si nota il verificarsi di un problema di qualche tipo con il condizionatore d’aria (ad esempio è stata visualizzata un’indicazione di errore, si sente odore di bruciato, si sentono suoni anomali, il condizionatore d’aria non raffredda o •...
  • Página 15 Toshiba Carrier Corporation, o, de otro modo, habrá sido instruida en dichas tareas por otra u otras personas que hayan recibido formación en la materia y que por tanto posean amplios conocimientos relativos a dichas operaciones.
  • Página 16: Advertencias En Cuanto A La Unidad De Aire Acondicionado Page 15 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 15 – Precauciones de seguridad  Advertencias en cuanto a la unidad de aire acondicionado El fabricante no se hará responsable de ningún daño producido por no seguir las descripciones de este manual. Indicación de advertencia Descripción ADVERTENCIA...
  • Página 17: Instalación Page 16 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Instalación para asegurar que la alimentación no se conecte antes de que llegue la persona de servicio cualificada. Si se continúa utilizando la unidad de aire acondicionado con la anomalía, los problemas mecánicos podrían generar otras •...
  • Página 18 Toshiba Carrier Corporation ou, como alternativa, que foi instruída nessas matérias por parte de indivíduos com a formação devida e, portanto, que adquiriram todo o conhecimento relacionado com Técnico de...
  • Página 19: Precauções De Segurança Page 18 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Precauções de segurança  Indicações de aviso sobre o ar condicionado O fabricante não assumirá nenhuma responsabilidade por danos causados pela não observação das descrições Indicação de aviso Descrição dadas neste manual. WARNING AVISO ADVERTÊNCIAS...
  • Página 20 Page 19 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 19 – • Siga as instruções fornecidas no Manual de Instalação para instalar o ar condicionado. O incumprimento destas Explicações fornecidas ao utilizador instruções pode provocar a queda do produto ou produzir ruído, vibração, vazamento de água ou outros problemas. •...
  • Página 21 Deze persoon is opgeleid voor werkzaamheden aan het elektrische systeem van de airconditioners gemaakt door Toshiba Carrier Corporation. Deze persoon kan ook iemand zijn die in dergelijke taken is geïnstrueerd Bevoegd...
  • Página 22: Waarschuwingsaanduidingen Op De Airconditioner Page 21 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 21 – Voorzorgen voor de veiligheid  Waarschuwingsaanduidingen op de airconditioner De fabrikant is niet aansprakelijk voor schade ten gevolge van het niet opvolgen van aanwijzingen in deze handleiding. Waarschuwingsaanduiding Beschrijving WAARSCHUWING WARNING...
  • Página 23 Page 22 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM • Bij het installeren van de airconditioner volgt u de aanwijzingen in de installatiehandleiding. De unit zou kunnen vallen, Uitleg aan de gebruiker kantelen of extra ruis, trillingen, waterlekkage en andere problemen veroorzaken indien u deze aanwijzingen niet opvolgt. •...
  • Página 24 • Ο εξειδικευμένος τεχνικός επισκευών που επιτρέπεται να εργάζεται σε ύψη έχει εκπαιδευτεί σε θέματα που σχετίζονται με τις εργασίες σε ύψη με κλιματιστικά που κατασκευάζονται από την Toshiba Carrier Corporation ή, εναλλακτικά, έχει διδαχθεί αυτές τις εργασίες από άτομα που έχουν εκπαιδευτεί και, επομένως, είναι...
  • Página 25: Προφυλάξεις Για Ασφάλεια Page 24 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Προφυλάξεις για ασφάλεια  Προειδοποιητικές ενδείξεις στην κλιματιστική μονάδα Ο κατασκευαστής δεν αναλαμβάνει ευθύνη για τυχόν βλάβες ήθελε προκληθούν από αμέλεια συμμόρφωσης με τα Προειδοποιητική ένδειξη Περιγραφή όσα περιγράφονται στο παρόν εγχειρίδιο. WARNING ΠΡΟΕΙ∆ΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ...
  • Página 26 Page 25 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 25 – • Μην τοποθετείτε συσκευή καύσης σε σημείο το οποίο εκτίθεται απευθείας στη ροή αέρα του κλιματιστικού, ενδέχεται • Εάν παρουσιαστεί κάποιο πρόβλημα στο κλιματιστικό μηχάνημα (όπως εμφάνιση ένδειξης σφάλματος, οσμή να...
  • Página 27 был обучен по вопросам, связанным с работой на высоте с кондиционерами производства Toshiba Carrier Corporation, или же получил указания по данному вопросу от лица или лиц, которые были этому обучены, и поэтому детально знаком со всем, что относится к такой работе.
  • Página 28: Меры Предосторожности Page 27 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 27 – Меры предосторожности  Предостерегающие указания на кондиционере Производитель не несет ответственности за ущерб, вызванный несоблюдением инструкций, приведенных Предупреждающий символ Описание в данном руководстве. ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ WARNING ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ Общие меры предосторожности ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD ОПАСНОСТЬ...
  • Página 29 Page 28 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM • При установке кондиционера следуйте указаниям руководства по установке. Несоблюдение этих инструкций может Пояснения для пользователя привести к падению или опрокидыванию изделия, появлению шума, вибрации, утечки воды и другим поломкам. • По завершении установочных работ покажите пользователю, где находится сетевой выключатель. Если •...
  • Página 30 • Montaj, onarm, yer deitirme ve söküm ilemlerinde her türlü elektrik iini yapan yetkili servis personeli, bu elektrik ileri ile ilgili yerel kanun ve düzenlemeler tarafndan art koulan niteliklere sahiptir ve Toshiba Carrier Corporation tarafndan üretilen klimalar üzerinde gerçekletirilen elektrik ileri konusunda eitim almtr ya da eitim alm ve bu ilerle ilgili bilgiye tamamen hakim olan bir ahs ya da ahslarn talimatlar dorultusunda bu ilemleri gerçekletirmektedir.
  • Página 31: Güvenlik Önlemleri Page 30 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Güvenlik Önlemleri  Klima üzerindeki uyar göstergeleri Üretici, bu klavuzdaki açklamalarn incelenmemesinden kaynaklanan zararlardan sorumlu tutulamaz. Uyar etiketi Açklama UYARI WARNING UYARI Genel ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD ELEKTRK ÇARPMA TEHLKES • Klimay monte etmeye balamadan önce Montaj Klavuzu'nu batan sona dikkatlice okuyun ve klimay monte etmek için Disconnect all remote Servis/bakm yapmadan önce uzaktaki tüm elektrik güç...
  • Página 32 Page 31 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 31 – • Sert rüzgar ve deprem olaslna kar korumak için kurulumu belirtildii ekilde gerçekletirin. Klima düzgün ekilde Kullancya verilecek açklamalar kurulmazsa, ünite devrilerek veya düerek kazaya neden olabilir. • Montaj ii tamamlandktan sonra kullancya devre kesicinin yerini gösterin. Kullanc devre kesicinin yerini bilmiyorsa •...
  • Página 33: Accessory Parts Page 32 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Accessory parts Selection of installation place WARNING  Accessory parts • Install the air conditioner at enough strong place to withstand the weight of the unit. If the strength is not enough, the unit may fall down resulting in injury. Part name Q’ty Shape...
  • Página 34: Installation Space Page 33 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 33 –  Installation space REQUIREMENT Secure the specified space in the figure for installation and servicing. • When using the air conditioner with 2-way / 3-way discharge system, a strong wind blows directly if the ceiling height is lower than the standard.
  • Página 35: Installation Page 34 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Installation  Opening a ceiling and ◆ Treatment of ceiling installation of hanging bolts The ceiling differs according to structure of building. For details, consult your constructor or interior finish REQUIREMENT •...
  • Página 36 Page 35 Thursday, November 1, 2012 9:20 AM – 35 – ◆ Installation of ceiling opening and  Installation of ceiling panel  Wireless type Level vial (levelness: 5 mm or less) hanging bolt (Sold separately) Hanging bolt Indoor unit The sensor of indoor unit with wireless remote controller can receive a signal by distance within Hanging bolt...
  • Página 37: Drain Piping Page 36 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Drain piping  Connecting drain pipe  Check the draining • Connect a hard socket (locally procured) to the hard In the test run, check that water drain is properly • For length of the traversing drain pipe, restrict to 20 m socket of the attached supplied flexible hose.
  • Página 38: Refrigerant Piping Page 37 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 37 – Refrigerant piping • Test water drain while checking the operation sound of the drain pump motor. (If the operation sound changes from continuous Projection margin in flaring: B (Unit: mm) sound to intermittent sound, water is normally CAUTION drained.)
  • Página 39: Electrical Connection Page 38 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Electrical connection  Airtight test / Air purge, etc. • Use the tightening torque levels as listed in the following table. For airtight test, air purge, addition of refrigerant, and Outer dia. of connecting gas leak check, refer to the Installation Manual Tightening torque (N•m) WARNING...
  • Página 40: Wire Connection Page 39 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 39 –  Wire connection ▼ Power supply 220-240 V ~, 50 Hz Power supply 220 V ~, 60 Hz REQUIREMENT Power supply switch / circuit breaker or power supply wiring / fuse rating for indoor units should be selected by the •...
  • Página 41 Page 40 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM  Remote controller wiring  Wiring for flow selector unit (sold separately) As the remote controller wire has non-polarity, there is no problem if connections to indoor unit terminal blocks A Connect control wiring and power supply following figure when installing a separately sold Super Heat Recovery and B are reversed.
  • Página 42: Applicable Controls Page 41 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 41 – Applicable controls  Installing indoor unit on high Each time button is pushed, indoor unit numbers in the control group change ceiling cyclically. Select the indoor unit to change ...
  • Página 43 Page 42 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM  Change of lighting time of  Selecting horizontal wind  Selecting swing type • About “Dual swing” “Dual” means that louvers 01 and 03 are directed filter sign direction 1. Push for 4 seconds or more when the air and swing in one direction and louvers 02 and 04 are directed and swing in the opposite direction.
  • Página 44: Test Run Page 43 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 43 – Test run  Locking the louvers  Cancelling louver lock (No swing) Set the wind direction to “0000” of the louver lock setup procedure above. 1. Push (right side of the button) for 4 seconds ...
  • Página 45: Wireless Remote Controller Page 44 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Maintenance ◆ Wireless remote controller (RBC-AX32U series) Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from CAUTION Test run (forced cooling operation) the filters or wash them with water. • After rinsing the air filters with water, dry them in the Before maintenance, be sure to turn off the leakage REQUIREMENT shade.
  • Página 46 Page 45 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 45 – Cleaning of discharge louver ▼ Periodic Maintenance For environmental conservation, it is strongly recommended that the indoor and outdoor units of the air conditioner The discharge louver can be removed to clean. in use be cleaned and maintained regularly to ensure efficient operation of the air conditioner.
  • Página 47: Troubleshooting Page 46 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Troubleshooting  Confirmation and check Every pushing of “TEMP.” button used to set temperature, the error log stored When an error occurred in the air conditioner, the in memory is displayed in order. check code and the indoor unit No.
  • Página 48 Page 47 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 47 – Check method On the wired remote controller, central control remote controller and the interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit (I/F), a check display LCD (Remote controller) or 7-segment display (on the outdoor interface P.C. board) to display the operation is provided.
  • Página 49 Page 48 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Check code Wireless remote controller Outdoor unit 7-segment display Sensor block display of receiving unit Check code name Judging device Wired remote AI-NET central controller display control display Auxiliary code Operation Timer Ready Flash...
  • Página 50 Page 49 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 49 – Check code Wireless remote controller Outdoor unit 7-segment display Sensor block display of receiving unit Check code name Judging device Wired remote AI-NET central controller display control display Auxiliary code Operation Timer...
  • Página 51 Batch alarm of general-purpose equipment control interface Differs according to error contents of unit with occurrence of alarm Group control follower unit error TCC-LINK — — (L20 is displayed.) Decrease of No. of indoor units TCC-LINK: TOSHIBA Carrier Communication Link. 99-EN 100-EN – 50 –...
  • Página 52: Specifications Page 51 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 51 – Specifications Declaration of Conformity Sound power level (dBA) Manufacturer: TOSHIBA CARRIER (THAILAND) CO., LTD. Weight (kg) Model Main unit (Ceiling panel) 144 / 9 Moo 5, Bangkadi Industrial Park, Tivanon Road, Cooling...
  • Página 53: Warnings On Refrigerant Leakage Page 52 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM Warnings on Refrigerant Leakage Important Check of Concentration Limit The room in which the air conditioner is to be installed requires a design that in the event of refrigerant 2) When there is an effective opening with the adjacent room for ventilation of leaking refrigerant gas (opening gas leaking out, its concentration will not exceed a set limit.
  • Página 54 Page 53 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM – 53 – 105-EN 106-EN...
  • Página 55 Page 54 Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:23 PM MEMO .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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