To access the switch through any Management Interface
you can (Untuk mengakses switch melalui Antarmuka Manajemen Anda
Setup the IP address for the Management Interface.
(Menentukan alamat IP untuk Antarmuka Manajemen.)
Setup the default gateway if IP address is manually
configured on both routing and OOB interface.
(Menetapkan gateway default jika alamat IP dikonfigurasi secara manual pada
antarmuka routing dan OOB.)
Would you like to setup the Out-Of-Band interface now?
[Y/N] y (Apakah Anda ingin mengatur Out-Of-Band interface sekarang?
[Ya/Tdk] ya)
Please enter the IP address of the device (A.B.C.D) or
enter "DHCP" (without the quotes) to automatically
request an IP address from the network DHCP server.
[]: dhcp (Silakan masukkan alamat IP piranti (A.B.C.D)
atau masukkan "DHCP" (tanpa tanda petik) untuk secara otomatis meminta
alamat IP dari server DHCP jaringan. []: dhcp)
Step 4: (Langkah 4:)
Would you like to setup the VLAN1 routing interface
now? [Y/N] y (Apakah Anda ingin menetapkan antarmuka routing
VLAN1 sekarang?) [Ya/Tdk] ya
Please enter the IP address of the device (A.B.C.D) or
enter "DHCP" (without the quotes) to automatically
request an IP address from the network DHCP server:
(Masukkan alamat IP perangkat (A.B.C.D) atau masukkan "DHCP" (tanpa
tanda kutip) untuk meminta alamat IP dari server DCHP jaringan secara
Please enter the IP subnet mask (A.B.C.D or /nn):
(Masukkan mask subnet IP (A.B.C.D atau /nn):)
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