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Service and Parts Manual
24 & 34 Series
Right Angle Nutrunners
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Resumen de contenidos para Cleco 24 Serie

  • Página 1 Service and Parts Manual 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 24 & 34 Series Right Angle Nutrunners For additional product information visit our website at
  • Página 3: Tabla De Contenido

    Table of Content 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 General Safety Instructions.............. 4 Service Parts .................. 22 Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise ............6 Serviceteile ..................22 Consignes générales de sécurité............. 8 Pièces de rechange ............... 22 Instrucciones generales de seguridad ........... 10 Piezas de servicio ................22 Instruções gerais de segurança .............
  • Página 4 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Manufacturer: Safety: Apex Tool Group, LLC Warnings and notes 670 Industrial Drive Warning notes are identified by a signal word and a Lexington, South Carolina 29072, USA pictogram. Importers: • The signal word indicates the severity and probability of Apex Tool Group GmbH the impending danger.
  • Página 5: General Safety Instructions

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Risk of injury due to torque reaction: General Safety Instructions Right angle stall type assembly tools, clutch Designated Use tools with shut-off adjusted over the maximum A pneumatic assembly tool is to be used only for tightening power output of the tool, or a drop in air of threaded joints or running down fasteners using industrial pressure can cause a torque reaction and power tool type drive sockets or bits.
  • Página 6 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Hersteller: Sicherheit: Apex Tool Group, LLC Warnhinweise und Hinweise 670 Industrial Drive Warnhinweise sind durch ein Signalwort und ein Symbol Lexington, South Carolina 29072, USA gekennzeichnet. Importeure: • Das Signalwort weist auf den Schweregrad und die Apex Tool Group GmbH Wahrscheinlichkeit des Eintretens der jeweiligen Gefahr Industriestraße 1 hin.
  • Página 7: Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Verletzungsgefahr durch die Drehmomentwirkung: Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise Rechtwinklige Montagewerkzeuge Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch Abwürgemechanismus, Schrauber mit Kupplung, die sich bei Überschreiten einer maximalen Ein Druckluft-Montagewerkzeug wird ausschließlich für die Leistung abschalten oder ein Luftdruckabfall Verschraubung von Schraubverbindungen oder in industriellen können eine Drehmomentreaktion und mögliche Schraubern mit Schraubeinsätzen und Bits verwendet.
  • Página 8 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Fabricant : Sécurité Apex Tool Group, LLC Avertissements et remarques 670 Industrial Drive Les avertissements sont identifiés par un mot-indicateur et Lexington, South Carolina 29072, USA un pictogramme. Importateurs : • Le mot-indicateur désigne la gravité et la probabilité Apex Tool Group GmbH d'apparition du danger potentiel. Industriestraße 1 •...
  • Página 9: Consignes Générales De Sécurité

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Risque de blessures dû au couple de réaction : Consignes générales de sécurité Les outils d'assemblage à angle droit du type Utilisation conforme à calage, les outils à embrayage avec coupure Un outil d'assemblage pneumatique doit être utilisé uniquement d'air réglée sur la puissance de sortie maximale pour le serrage de joints filetés ou d'assemblages vissés en utilisant de l'outil, ou une chute de pression d'air peut...
  • Página 10: Fabricante

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Fabricante: Seguridad: Apex Tool Group, LLC Advertencias e indicaciones 670 Industrial Drive Las indicaciones de advertencia están identificadas con una Lexington, Carolina del Sur, 29072, EE. UU. palabra de advertencia y un pictograma. Importadores: • La palabra de advertencia indica la gravedad y la Apex Tool Group GmbH probabilidad del peligro inminente.
  • Página 11: Instrucciones Generales De Seguridad

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Riesgo de lesiones debido a la reacción de torsión: Instrucciones generales de seguridad Las herramientas de montaje en ángulo recto de Empleo conforme al uso previsto tipo parada, las herramientas de embrague con el corte de energía ajustado por encima de la Una herramienta de montaje neumática solo debe usarse para potencia de salida máxima de la herramienta, o apretar uniones roscadas o fijar sujeciones utilizando vasos o...
  • Página 12: Símbolos No Texto

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Fabricante: Segurança: Apex Tool Group, LLC Avisos e instruções 670 Industrial Drive As indicações de aviso são identificadas por uma palavra Lexington, Carolina do Sul 29072, EUA sinalizadora e um símbolo. Importadores: • A palavra sinalizadora indica a importância e a Apex Tool Group GmbH probabilidade do risco iminente.
  • Página 13: Instruções Gerais De Segurança

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Risco de ferimento devido à reação ao torque: Instruções gerais de segurança Ferramentas de montagens do tipo bancada Utilização designada de ângulo reto, ferramentas de embreagem com ajuste de desligamento na saída máxima Uma ferramenta de conjunto pneumático deve ser usada de potência da ferramenta ou uma queda na apenas para apertar as juntas com rosca ou para passar pressão do ar pode causar uma reação de torque...
  • Página 14: Simboli Sul Prodotto

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Produttore: Sicurezza: Apex Tool Group, LLC Segnalazioni ed avvertenze 670 Industrial Drive Le segnalazioni sono contrassegnate da un avvertimento ed Lexington, South Carolina 29072, USA un pittogramma. Importatori: • L'avvertimento caratterizza la gravità e la probabilità del Apex Tool Group GmbH pericolo imminente.
  • Página 15: Istruzioni Generali Di Sicurezza

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Rischio di lesioni dovuto a reazione di coppia: Istruzioni generali di sicurezza Utensili per assemblaggio di tipo stallo ad angolo Uso conforme retto, utensili a frizione con spegnimento regolato alla massima uscita di potenza o una diminuzione Utilizzare utensili assemblaggio pneumatico...
  • Página 16 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 制造商: 安全: Apex Tool Group, LLC 警告和注意事项 670 Industrial Drive 警告注意事项由一个信号词和一个象形图指示。 Lexington, South Carolina 29072, USA • 信号词指示即将发生的危险的严重程度和概率。 进口商: • 象形图指示危险类型。 Apex Tool Group GmbH Industriestraße 1 -------------------------------------------------------- D-73463 Westhausen, Germany 指示会为人身安全和健康带来潜在危险的情 况。如果忽视此警告,可能导致最严重的人身 Apex Tool Group S.A.S. 伤害。 25 rue Maurice Chevalier -------------------------------------------------------- B.P.
  • Página 17: 一般安全说明

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 扭矩反作用会带来伤害风险: 一般安全说明 直角失速型装配工具、通过工具的最大输出 指定用途 功率调节关闭的离合器工具或空气压降可能 气动装配工具只能用于拧紧使用工业用电动工具型驱动套筒 产生扭矩反作用,并为操作员的双手带来潜在 或套头的螺纹接头或紧固件。 伤害。 切勿将手动工具用套筒或套头与工业级动力工 操作直角装配工具时,确保油门与弯头的相对位置不会使油 具搭配使用。手动工具用套筒或套头可能破 门在“开”位置因扭矩反作用而被邻近的物体楔住。 裂,从而带来碎片飞溅的危险。 维护: 除非获得Apex Tool Group, LLC的书面批 建议最小服务间隔 准,否则不得对本工具、任何防护装置或附件进行改装。所 有安全装置都必须正确安装并保持良好的工作状态。 以下建议仅为初步参考,应根据工具使用情况做出调整。 对 本 工 具 、 驱 动 套 筒 、 套 头 或 附 件 的 任 何 这些建议的服务间隔适用于大多数应用。...
  • Página 18 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 製造者 : 安全について : Apex Tool Group, LLC 警告および注記 670 Industrial Drive Lexington, South Carolina 29072, USA 警告は注意喚起語と絵文字で示されます。 輸入者 : • 注意喚起語は危険の程度と可能性を示します。 • 絵文字は危険の種類を示します。 Apex Tool Group GmbH Industriestraße 1 ----------------------------------------------------------- D-73463 Westhausen, Germany 人の健康 ・ 安全に危険を及ぼす可能性のある状 況を示します。 この警告に従わないと死亡また Apex Tool Group S.A.S.
  • Página 19: 安全上の一般的注意事項

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 安全上の一般注意事項 トルク反作用により負傷する危険 : ライトアングルストールタイプの組立ツール、 最 所定用途 大出力を超えた場合の停止機構付きクラッチ ツール、 あるいは空気圧の低下がトルク反作用 空圧組立ツールはねじ接続を締め付けるか、 あるいは工業用 の原因となり、 作業者が手を負傷するおそれが 動力ツール用ドライブソケッ トまたはビッ トを使用して締結具 あります。 を締め付けるためにのみ使用することができます。 ライトアングル組立ツールを操作する場合は、 スロッ トルがア 工業用動力ツールには、 決して手動ツール用ソ ングルヘッドに対して位置決めされて、 スロッ トルがトルク反 ケッ トまたはビッ トを使用しないでください。 手 作用のために 「ON」 位置で隣接する部品に食い込むことがな 動ツール用ソケッ トまたはビッ トが破損し、 部品 いのを確認してください。 が飛散するおそれがあります。...
  • Página 20 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 제조자: 안전: Apex Tool Group, LLC 경고 및 주의사항 670 Industrial Drive 경고와 주의사항은 신호어와 그림문자로 표시합니다. Lexington, South Carolina 29072, USA • 신호어는 임박한 위험의 심각도와 가능성을 나타냅니다. 수입자: • 그림문자는 위험의 유형을 나타냅니다. Apex Tool Group GmbH -------------------------------------------------------- Industriestraße 1 D-73463 Westhausen, Germany...
  • Página 21: 일반 안전 지침

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 토크 반응에 의한 부상 위험: 일반 안전 지침 직각 스톨 타입 조립 공구, 공구의 최대 출력 용도 범위에서 셧오프가 조절되는 클러치 공구 또는 공압 조립 공구는 산업용 전동 공구 유형 드라이브 소켓 또는 공기압의 하락은 토크 반응을 일으켜 사용자의 손에 비트를...
  • Página 22: Handle Assembly

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Models “1” Handle Assembly 24RAA 24RAS 34RAA 34RAS Loctite® Page 22...
  • Página 23: Service Parts

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Illustration "1": Handle Assembly Number Description 207007 O-Ring 204928 Retaining Ring 204765 Exhaust Deflector 204918 Muffler 204916 Muffler Housing 204929 O-Ring 204901 Inlet Bushing 1006577 Screen 847411 O-Ring 204907 Spring 205862PT Throttle Valve 203474PT Throttle Seat Table "1" Handle (includes Ref.
  • Página 24: Motor Assembly

    823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Models “2” Motor Assembly 24RAA 24RAS 34RAA 34RAS Page 24...
  • Página 25 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Illustration "2": Motor Assembly Number Description Table "2" Spring Table "2" Valve 863009 O-Ring 204973 Lock Nut 204921 Ball Bearing 205930PT Rear End Plate Table "2" Cylinder Table "2" Rotor Table "2" 18 Rotor Blade 204912 Front End Plate 204920 Ball Bearing 204932...
  • Página 26 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Models “3” 4:1 Gear Assemblies: 201884, 201982 24RAA26AH3 34RAA75AZ3 34RAA37AX3 34RAA75AZ4 34RAA47AX3 34RAS41AX3 34RAA68AZ3 34RAS54AZ3 34RAA68AZ4 34RAS54AZ4 Loctite® Page 26...
  • Página 27 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Illustration "3": 4:1 Gear Assemblies: 201884, 201982 Number Description Table "3" Gear Case Assembly 204998PT Thrust Washer 204997PT Needle Bearing 203750 Idler Pin 203748 Idler Gear (14T) Table "3" Gear Cage 204941 Gear Case 204803 Retaining Ring (#) Quantity (X) Recommended Spare Parts (quantity shown based on 1-5 tools in operation) (T) Teeth Table "3"...
  • Página 28 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Models “4” 4.5:1 Gear Assembly: 201878 24RAA06AL2 34RAA08AL2 24RAA06AL3 34RAA08AL3 24RAA26AH3 34RAA37AX3 24RAS07AL3 34RAS09AL3 34RAS41AX3 Loctite® Models 5.7:1 Gear Assembly: 201896PT “5” 24RAA07AL2 34RAA11AL2 8:1 Gear Assembly: 201895 24RAA07AL3 34RAA11AL3 24RAA11AL2 34RAA15AM3 24RAA11AL3 34RAA47AX3 24RAA12AM3 34RAA68AZ3 24RAS08AL3 34RAA68AZ4 24RAS13AM3 34RAS11AL3 34RAS17AM3 34RAS54AZ3...
  • Página 29 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Illustration "4": 4.5:1 Gear Assembly: 201878 Number Description 201878 Gear Case Assembly 869584 Spacer 865862 Pinion 203782PT Idler Gear (15T) 869949 Thrust Washer 204891 Gear Cage 204931 Gear Case 204962 Ball Bearing 204803 Retaining Ring (#) Quantity (X) Recommended Spare Parts (quantity shown based on 1-5 tools in operation) (T) Teeth Illustration "5": 5.7:1 Gear Assembly: 201896PT 8:1 Gear Assembly: 201895...
  • Página 30 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Models “6” 13.4:1 Gear Assembly: 201877 24RAA12AL2 34RAA26AH3 24RAA12AL3 34RAA26AM3 24RAA19AM3 34RAA75AZ3 24RAS21AM3 34RAA75AZ4 34RAS28AH3 Loctite® Loctite® Page 30...
  • Página 31 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Illustration "6": 13.4:1 Gear Assembly: 201877 Number Description 201877 Gear Case Assembly 869584 Spacer 582126 Pinion 205848PT Idler Gear (15T) 204888 Gear Cage 204893 Gear Case 203783PT Idler Pin 582122 Idler Gear (15T) 204892 Gear Cage 204895 Retaining Ring 204894 Ball Bearing (#) Quantity...
  • Página 32 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Models “7” 16:1 Gear Assembly: 201876 24RAA23AM3 34RAA28AH3 34RAA33AX3 34RAS36AX3 Loctite® Loctite® Page 32...
  • Página 33 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Illustration "7": 16:1 Gear Assembly: 201876 Number Description 201876 Gear Case Assembly 869584 Spacer 867902 Pinion 203782PT Idler Gear (15T) 204887PT Gear Cage 204886 Gear Case 203783PT Idler Pin 203781PT Idler Gear (15T) 205830PT Gear Cage 204895 Retaining Ring 204962 Ball Bearing (#) Quantity...
  • Página 34 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 “8” Models Stall Spindle Assembly 24RAS Series 34RAS Series Loctite® Loctite® Page 34...
  • Página 35 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Illustration "8": Stall Spindle Assembly Number Description 204942 O-Ring 412055 Retaining Ring Table "8" Spindle Table "8" Spindle 842517 Ball Bearing Table "8" Clutch Housing Table "8" Clutch Housing Table "8" Adjustment Cover (#) Quantity (X) Recommended Spare Parts (quantity shown based on 1-5 tools in operation) Table "8"...
  • Página 36 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Models Clecomatic™ Clutch: “9” 24RAA06 34RAA08 201870, 201872, 201873, 201983PT 24RAA07 34RAA11 24RAA11 34RAA15 24RAA12 34RAA37 24RAA26 34RAA47 34RAA68 34RAA75 Loctite® Page 36...
  • Página 37 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Illustration "9": Clecomatic™ Clutch: 201870, 201872, 201873, 201983PT Number Description Table "9" Trip Rod Table "9" Clutch Assembly (includes Ref. 2-20) 204881 Clutch Cam 203612 Trip Slide 203613 Reset Spring 842274 28 Steel Ball (5/32") 204876 Retaining Ring 617226 Dowel Pin 869112...
  • Página 38 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Models Clecomatic™ Clutch: “10” 24RAA19 34RAA26 201867PT, 201897 24RAA23 34RAA28 34RAA33 Loctite® Page 38...
  • Página 39 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 illustration "10": Clecomatic™ Clutch: 201867PT, 201897 Number Description Table "10" Trip Rod Table "10" Clutch Assembly (includes Ref. 2-19) 204875 Clutch Cam 842161 30 Steel Ball (3/16") 202748PT Ball Plug 204876 Retaining Ring 204870 Trip Plunger 202763PT Reset Spring 867922 204872 Adjustment Nut...
  • Página 40 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 301011: 1/4” Square Drive (Code AL2) “11” 201887: 3/8” Square Drive (Code AL3) 3/4” Socket Loctite® Angle Head Wrench Code 204810 204994 M, H 889459 Page 40...
  • Página 41 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Illustration "11": 301011: 1/4" Square Drive (Code AL2) 201887: 3/8" Square Drive (Code AL3) Number Description Table "11" Right Angle Attachment (includes Ref. 1-18) 204475PT Retaining Ring 204930 Coupling Nut 204958 Bearing Retainer 847095 Pinion Bearing 204950 Bearing Spacer 845845 Needle Bearing 204900...
  • Página 42 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 “12” 201889: 3/8” Square Drive (Codes AM3 & AH3) Loctite® Loctite® * Note: Do not reuse nut. Replace with new if disassembled. Page 42...
  • Página 43 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Illustration"12": 201889: 3/8" Square Drive (Codes AM3 & AH3) Number Description 201889 Right Angle Attachment (includes Ref. 1-16) 204475PT Retaining Ring 204930 Coupling Nut 204958 Bearing Retainer 847095 Pinion Bearing 204951 Bearing Spacer 11700 Needle Bearing 204897 Bevel Gear Set 204860 Angle Head 617600...
  • Página 44 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 “13” 201890: 3/8” Square Drive (Code AX3) Loctite® Page 44...
  • Página 45 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Illustration "13": 201890: 3/8" Square Drive (Code AX3 Number Description 201890 Right Angle Attachment (includes Ref. 1-15) 204475PT Retaining Ring 204930 Coupling Nut 204958 Bearing Retainer 204947 Pinion Bearing 204952 Bearing Spacer 863360 Needle Bearing 204898 Bevel Gear Set 204859 Angle Head 882629...
  • Página 46 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 301006PT: 3/8” Square Drive (Code AZ2) “14” 201979: 1/2” Square Drive (Code AZ4) Loctite® Loctite® Page 46...
  • Página 47 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Illustration "14": 301006PT: 3/8" Square Drive (Code AZ3) 201979: 1/2" Square Drive (Code AZ4) Number Description Table "14" Right Angle Attachment (includes Ref. 1-18) 204475PT Retaining Ring 204930 Coupling Nut 204958 Bearing Retainer 204947 Pinion Bearing 205764 Bearing Spacer 203253 Needle Bearing 203440...
  • Página 48 823223-LG1 03/06/2017 Service EN: Motor Repair IT: riparazione motori DE: Motor reparieren ZH: 电机修理 JA: モーター修理 FR: Réparation moteur ES: Reparación del motor KO: 모터 수리 PT: Reparo do motor EN: Disassemble DE: Zerlegen FR: Démonter ES: Desmontar PT: Desmontar IT: Smontare ZH: 拆卸...
  • Página 52 POWER TOOLS SALES & SERVICE CENTERS Please note that all locations may not service all products. Contact the nearest Apex Tool Group Sales & Service Center for the appropriate facility to handle your service requirements. Sales Center Service Center NORTH AMERICA | SOUTH AMERICA Detroit, Michigan Lexington, South Carolina Apex Tool Group...

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