MRL100 / 942 / 699Plus
A1- Instruction Manual
Digital load / weight measuring system
A) Multirope MRL100 - list of included parts
Included parts:
N° 2 screws type TE M8 class 8.8 DIN933 (or
ISO 4762-M8-A2), with calibrated length for
rope diameters [C]
N° 1 MultiRope mod. MRL rope sensor [A]
N° 1 Deflection rod [B]
A) The engraved letter [C] screws, is matched
to the following elevator rope diameters:
F: N° 3 ropes, diameter 6,5 mm
F: N° 4 ropes, diameter 6,5 mm
F: N° 6 ropes, diameter 6,5 mm
MultiRope includes only two screws but
additional can be optionally purchased.
B) MRL inner sensor width [A] sets how
many ropes can be inserted.
Standard MRL100 width for ropes is 72
mm, additional widths are available and
MRL100 can be modified for belt tension
measurement or for the characteristics of
Your application.
B) MRL sensor installation on elevator ropes
1) Apply [C] screws to [A] sensor like shown in
2) Position the MultiRope MRL100 sensor [A] close
to the ropes, parallel to the cabin roof and insert
all ropes in the slot between the screws, without
overlapping them.
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Tel: +39 02 8910142 Fax: + 39 02 89124848
When handling the MRL100 transducer, prior installation
on the ropes, avoid any contact of the measurement
element with hard metal parts or tools.
3) When all ropes are between the [C]
screws, apply the [B] deflection rod as
shown in picture.
Distribute the ropes on the available
space inside the MRL100, avoiding any
contact between the ropes and the
threaded part of the screws [C].
4) Screw all calibrated [C] screws in the threaded
[B] deflection rod holes.
5) Evenly position the ropes along the inner
MRL100 sensor slot width.
6) Ropes are to be centered within the sensor width,
for a good quality measurement.
7) Screw [C] screws till they are touching the inner
side of the deflection rod for having a correct
rope deflection. Ropes are slightly bent and are to
touch only the rounded edges of [A] sensor and
[B] deflection rod.
8) Ropes are not to overlap and are to be parallel
between each other.
When [A] Multirope MRL100 sensor is fixed
on the ropes, use the elevator for some runs
with inside the cabin the maximum payload
(also jump in the cabin or make emergency
stops), then calibrate with (MANU procedure)
applying a known weight, in the cabin.
MRL100 rope sensor has a cable with an RJ male connector, fixed at one end that
is to be inserted into a female RJ connector, on the side of the external electronics
type 699-02-RJ.
11) NOTE:
Install the Multirope MRL100 sensor in order to avoid any contact with any part of the lift, like
pulleys or hoistway.
MRL100 sensor cannot be used in case of high friction between the car and the side guiding rails
in the hoistway.
Avoid installing MRL sensor on the ropes on the side that takes the load of the counterweight, as
this branch of ropes does not see the load variation inside the cabin.
Z:\Manuali\LM MRL100_942_699A1\Traduzioni Maggio 2015\LM MRL_942_699A1 V2r7 UK .docx
Version : UK 2r7 dated 25/06/15
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Correct fixing position.