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Resumen de contenidos para XYZ Robot A1-16

  • Página 1 USER MANUAL...
  • Página 2: Safety Guideline

    Safety Guideline Please read the following information: failure to comply with provided information may lead to voiding the warranty. This document covers safety, proper handling, and regulatory information for use of your smart servo. General Precautions Caution: To avoid injury, damage to the servo or equipment, please follow the provided guidelines. •...
  • Página 3: Special Procedures

    Safety Guideline Handling and Personal Safety Handling • Handle the servo with care at all times. General Working Area • The working surface must be dry and level; thick carpets or rugs are not recommended for operational stability. • Keep the servo away from radiators, heat sources and direct sunlight. •...
  • Página 4: Tabla De Contenido

    Table of Contents Prerequisites ................... 04 Windows Operating System Requirements ..........04 Mac Operating System Requirements ............04 Arduino ....................... 04 Setting Up the Environment ............05 Setup MCU Board ..................05 Powering on MCU Board ................05 Installing the Motor Editor Driver..............06 Connecting Smart Servo ................
  • Página 5: Prerequisites

    Prerequisites Windows Operating System Requirements • Windows 7 or later, including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions • Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5 Mac Operating System Requirements • Mac OS X 10.10 or later Arduino • Arduino IDE 1.0.6...
  • Página 6: Setting Up The Environment

    Setting Up the Environment New servos must have an ID assigned to them before being included in an assembly. NOTE: The Bolide Y-01 model was used for the following procedure. The illustrations may differ from the model you purchased. Setup MCU Board Connect the MCU board to your computer.
  • Página 7: Installing The Motor Editor Driver

    Setting Up the Environment Installing the Motor Editor Driver The following instructions guide you through the complete installation of the driver required for the Servo Tool. In Windows, go to Control Panel then to Device Manager to make sure the USB cable is connected.
  • Página 8: Connecting Smart Servo

    Setting Up the Environment Click (Upload) to upload the codes. After uploading, the message Done uploading displays. Check that no errors display at the bottom of the frame. Connecting Smart Servo Connect one end of a cable to the MCU board and the other end to the smart servo. NOTE: Make sure there is only one smart servo connected to the MCU board.
  • Página 9: Setting Up The Servo Tool

    Setting Up the Servo Tool Installing Servo Tool Overview The XYZrobot Servo Tool is designed specifically to configure an ID for a new servo. Prior to installation, you will need to have the Adruino software and the Bolide driver code installed on your computer system and the Bolide board, respectively.
  • Página 10 Setting Up the Servo Tool A status screen displays the installation status. Once the installation is complete, the XYZrobot Servo Tool software opens. NOTE: A security prompt may display requiring authorization to open the software. To continue with the procedure, click OK to continue or cancel to end the process.
  • Página 11: Uninstalling The Xyzrobot Servo Tool

    Setting Up the Servo Tool Uninstalling the XYZrobot Servo Tool To uninstall the XYZrobot Servo Tool software, follow these step-by-step instructions. Close the Tool to continue. On Windows, click Start > Control Panel to open the computer’s settings menu. Click Uninstall a program to open the Uninstall menu or change a program menu. Select XYZrobot Servo Tool v1.0 from the list and click Uninstall/Change.
  • Página 12: Introduction To Servo Tool Ui

    Setting Up the Servo Tool Introduction to Servo Tool UI Main menu No Item Description Tool Open to reboot the servo or reset the servo to default settings. See “Tool” on page 12 . Open to select the Port Settings option. See “Config” on page 12 . Config Help Open to select the About and Language settings options.
  • Página 13 Setting Up the Servo Tool No Item Description Read Read the current servo information. Set the modified setting into the servo. Connection Status If a servo is detected, the dialogue displays a device connected status. Description bar The dialogue displays a text description of the last initiated action. Configuration Area The configuration area displays the current information of the smart servo as well as editing functions.
  • Página 14: Servo Tool

    Setting Up the Servo Tool Servo Tool Item Description The unique ID of each servo. ACK Policy Sets ACK Packet reply policy when Request Packet is received. (RAM Register • 0: No reply to any Request Packet Address 1) • 1: Only reply to Read CMD •...
  • Página 15 The A1-16 servo’s maximum operating temperature. The value is in degrees Celsius. Min Voltage The A1-16 servo’s minimum operating voltage. The value is 16 times the actual voltage in volts. Max Voltage The A1-16 servo’s maximum operating voltage. The value is 16 times the actual voltage in volts.
  • Página 16 Setting Up the Servo Tool Item Description Status Detail This value presents these system operating details. • 1: Motor Moving • 2: Motor In-Position (Position control mode only) • 3: 1: Torque on (Position/Speed control); 0: Torque off • 4: Motor Braked Present Voltage This value shows the voltage currently supplied to the servo.
  • Página 17: Registering An Id

    Registering an ID Overview The default ID for a new servo is 1. Use the Servo Tool to configure the correct servo ID you wish to replace the existing ID. Detecting the Smart Servo Before you open the Servo Tool, it is necessary to connect the MCU board and computer through a USB cable.
  • Página 18: Configuring An Id

    Registering an ID Configuring an ID Enter the correct servo ID in the ID field. Click Set under Parameter description. The LEDs will blink to indicate a new ID is being configured for the connected servo. Click OK to confirm. Validating the Servo ID Finally, assembly the new smart servo to the correct position.
  • Página 19: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting I can’t connect my MCU board to the PC. Open Device Manager in Windows. When the product is connected to the PC, please check whether the connected device’s port is detected. If the port is not detected, you may need to install an FTDI serial driver. If you have problems with other products, or are unable to solve the problem with the instructions above, please contact your regional manager.
  • Página 20: 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | 日本語

    0.969°/count. For example, 表示されます。 0.969° is represented as value 3. A1-16 伺服系統的運作電流最大 A1-16 伺服系统的工作电流最大 A1-16サーボの動作電流の最大 The maximum value of A1-16 servo 值。 此數值為實際電流的 16 倍。 值。 该值是实际电流的 16 倍。 値。実際の電圧の16倍の数値で表 operating current. The value is 200 示されます。 times the actual current in amperes.
  • Página 21 Appendix 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | 日本語 繁體中文 简体中文 日本語 ENGLISH 過電流錯誤檢查時段。 此數值為 过电流错误的检查期。该值为 10 過剰電流エラーチェック期間。数 Over current error’s checking 10ms/刻點。 例如,120 ms 以數值 毫秒//节拍。例如,120 ms 表示为 値は10ms/一目盛りで表示されま period. The value is 10ms/Tick. For 12 表示。 值 12。 す。たとえば、120msは12と表示 example, 120 ms is represented as されます。...
  • Página 22 要求されたパケット RX FIFO エ Requested Packet RX FIFO Error ラー 轉矩原則 转矩策略 トルクポリシー Torque Policy 語言 语言 言語 Language Motor A1-16 Motor A1-16 Motor A1-16 Motor A1-16 馬達編輯器 v1.0 电机编辑器 v1.0 高性能サーボモーター v1.0 Servo Tool v1.0 馬達設定項目 伺服电机设定项目 サーボモーターパラメーター Motor Parameter 請選擇通訊埠並與設備連接...
  • Página 23 Appendix 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | 日本語 繁體中文 简体中文 日本語 ENGLISH 警告!此操作方式可能重新啟動馬 警告!此操作方式可能重新启动伺服 警告!この操作はサーボモーター Warning!This operation would 達,請問要繼續執行嗎? 电机,请问要继续执行吗? を再起動の可能になります。操作 reboot servo. Would you like to を継続しますか? continue? 警告! 此操作方式可能重置馬達為 警告! 此操作方式可能重置伺服电 警告!サーボーは初期設定になるの Warning!This operation would reset 預設值,請問要繼續執行嗎? 机为默认值,请问要继续执行吗? で、続けしますか? servo to default setting. Would you like to continue? 轉矩原則...
  • Página 24: Italiano | Français

    Valore massimo di corrente operativa dei Valeur maximum du courant de fonctionnement current. The value is 200 times the actual servomotori A1-16. Il valore è 16 volte la du servo A1-16. La valeur équivaut à 16 fois la current in amperes. tensione effettiva. tension réelle.
  • Página 25 Appendix Italiano | Français ENGLISH ITALIANO FRANÇAIS Over temperature error check period. The Periodo di controllo errore surriscaldamento. Il Période de vérification d'erreur de value is 10ms/Tick. For example, 120 ms is valore è 10 ms/Tick. Ad esempio, 120 ms viene surtempérature.
  • Página 26 Errore RX FIFO pacchetto richiesto Erreur RX FIFO du paquet \n\tdemandé Torque Policy Criteri di coppia Politique de couple Language Lingua La langue Motor A1-16 Motor A1-16 Motor A1-16 Servo Tool v1.0 Editor servomotori intelligenti v1.0 Éditeur Smart Servo v1.0 Motor Parameter Parametro motore Paramètre Moteur...
  • Página 27 Appendix Italiano | Français ENGLISH ITALIANO FRANÇAIS Not connect Controllare che il dispositivo sia pronto. Veuillez vérifier que l'appareil est prêt. Port (Ex. COM1 or /dev/ttyUSB0) Port (Ex. COM1 or /dev/ttyUSB0) Please check the device is ready. Impostazione porta Réglage du port Port (Ex.
  • Página 28: Español | Deutsche

    Valor máximo de la corriente de funcionamiento Der Höchstwert des Betriebsstroms des Servos current. The value is 200 times the actual de los servomecanismos A1-16. El valor es 16 A1-16. Der Wert entspricht dem 16-Fachen der current in amperes. veces el voltaje real.
  • Página 29 Appendix Español | Deutsche ENGLISH ESPAÑOL DEUTSCHE Over temperature error check period. The Período de comprobación del error de exceso Zeitraum zur Prüfung von Überhitzungsfehlern. value is 10ms/Tick. For example, 120 ms is de temperatura. El valor es de 10 ms/marca. Der Wert ist 10 ms/Tick.
  • Página 30 Error FIFO RX del paquete \n\tsolicitado Fehler bei angefragtem Paket-RX-FIFO Torque Policy Política de par de fuerzas Drehmomentrichtlinie Language Idioma Sprache Motor A1-16 Motor A1-16 Motor A1-16 Servo Tool v1.0 Editor de servosistemas inteligentes v1.0 Intelligenter Servoeditor v1.0 Motor Parameter Parámetro del motor...
  • Página 31 Appendix Español | Deutsche ENGLISH ESPAÑOL DEUTSCHE ¡Advertencia! Esta operación restablecerá la Warnung! Mit diesem Vorgang setzen Sie den Warning!This operation would reset servo to configuración predeterminada del servosistema. Servo auf seine Standardeinstellungen zurück. default setting. Would you like to continue? ¿Desea continuar? Möchten Sie fortfahren? Setting value is out of range...

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