System Description; Technical Specifications - Falcon 6001 998 908 Manual De Usuario

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Please become familiar with the use of the product before you use
               
it by carefully reading this manual and by making some driving
test manoeuvres.

system descriptiOn

The system contains 4 front sensors, 4 rear sensors, a display, a spea-
ker, a central unit with microprocessor and the connection cables.
The operating principle is based on measuring the time necessary for
the ultrasonic wave released by one sensor to be reflected by the ob-
stacle and detected by the sensor. The resulted distance will appear
on the display�
By using the display, the system warns the driver by visual and audible
means about the position of the obstacles and the distance between the
car and these obstacles.
UsinG tHe park assist system
 
intelligent operating mode
  
 
To activate the rear sensors you simply have to select the reverse gear.
 
The front sensors are automatically activated when starting the engine
             
or when selecting the reverse gear or when pushing the special button
when the speed is lower than 15 km/h. The front sensors are automa-
 
tically deactivated when the speed exceeds 15 km/h or when driving
continuously with a speed lower than 15 km/h. These sensors can also
 
be deactivated anytime by pressing the special button..
In both operating modes, the system will warn you by audible and
visual means as follows:
audible warning:
The warning sound for the front sensors is released by a speaker inte-
grated in the display, and the one for the rear sensors, by the individual
speaker mounted on the rear part of the car. In this way, the driver will
       
know precisely if the obstacle is located in front of or behind the car.
The closer the obstacle is to the car, the greater the frequency of the
sound will be. When the obstacle is located less than 40 cm from the
car, the sound will become continuous and will be released by the
corresponding speaker, from the front or the rear part of the car.
Avertizare vizual
When obstacles are detected both in the front and in the rear part of
Pe display exista trei zone:
the car, you can hear front-rear alternating sounds with a frequency
1. Bara led-uri
proportional to the distance detected in the front, respectively, the rear
2. Afi aj pentru distan
3. Simbol ma in
part of the car.
visual warning:
Afisaj distanta
Bara led-uri
Simbol masina
LED bar: shows the distance to the object
2. Distance display: shows the distance to the closest obstacle
1. Bara led-uri: indic distan a pân la obiect
3. Car symbol: shows if the front sensors are active
2. Afi aj pentru distan : indic distan a pân la cel mai apropiat obstacol
There are 8 LED bars, one for each sensor. These bars help you iden-
3. Simbol ma in : indic dac senzorii fa sunt activi
Exist 8 bare de led-uri, câte una pentru fiecare senzor. Cu ajutorul lor se identific
tify the position of the obstacles.
pozi ia obstacolelor.
If more than one obstacle is detected, the smallest distance will be
Dac sunt detectate mai multe obstacole va fi afi at cea mai mic distan .
Not : La distan e mai mici de 0,4m sunetul va fi continuu, iar distan a afi at va fi
note: A t distances smaller than 0.4 m, the sound will be continuous,
0.0 din motive de securitate
    
and the displayed distance will be 0.0 for security reasons.
Datorita pozi iei, formei sau dimensiunii obstacolului semnalul reflectat poate s
Because of the position, the form or the size of the obstacle, it is possible
nu fie recep ionat . Va rug m s consulta i exemplele de mai jos:
that the reflected signal is not received. Please check the examples below:
1. Sistemul nu va anun a obstacolul:
1. The system will not announce the obstacle:
2. Punctele B i C pot fi detectate mai devreme dar punctul A nu poate fi
Avertizare vizual
Pe display exista trei zone:
1. Bara led-uri
2. Afi aj pentru distan
3. Simbol ma in
Afisaj distanta
Bara led-uri
Simbol masina
1. Bara led-uri: indic distan a pân la obiect
2. Afi aj pentru distan : indic distan a pân la cel mai apropiat obstacol
3. Simbol ma in : indic dac senzorii fa sunt activi
Exist 8 bare de led-uri, câte una pentru fiecare senzor. Cu ajutorul lor se identific
pozi ia obstacolelor.
Dac sunt detectate mai multe obstacole va fi afi at cea mai mic distan .
Not : La distan e mai mici de 0,4m sunetul va fi continuu, iar distan a afi at va fi
0.0 din motive de securitate
Datorita pozi iei, formei sau dimensiunii obstacolului semnalul reflectat poate s
nu fie recep ionat . Va rug m s consulta i exemplele de mai jos:
1. Sistemul nu va anun a obstacolul:
2. Punctele B i C pot fi detectate mai devreme dar punctul A nu poate fi
      
2. P oints B and C can be detected earlier, but point A cannot be
3. Va fi detectat mai întâi punctul A, iar apoi punctul B. Când punctul A va
P oint A will be detected first, and then point B. When point A
3. Va fi detectat mai întâi punctul A, iar apoi punctul B. Când punctul A va
ajunge în zona "oarb ", va fi afi at distan a pân la punctul B, chiar dac
reaches the "blind" spot, the distance to point B will be displayed,
ajunge în zona "oarb ", va fi afi at distan a pân la punctul B, chiar dac
punctul A este mai aproape, el nu va mai fi detectat.
punctul A este mai aproape, el nu va mai fi detectat.
3. Va fi detectat mai întâi punctul A, iar apoi punctul B. Când punctul A va
even if point A is closer, it will not be detected anymore.
3. Va fi detectat mai întâi punctul A, iar apoi punctul B. Când punctul A va
ajunge în zona "oarb ", va fi afi at distan a pân la punctul B, chiar dac
ajunge în zona "oarb ", va fi afi at distan a pân la punctul B, chiar dac
punctul A este mai aproape, el nu va mai fi detectat.
punctul A este mai aproape, el nu va mai fi detectat.
4. Obiecte cu suprafe e plane verticale a ezate oblic pe direc ia de deplasare
4. Obiecte cu suprafe e plane verticale a ezate oblic pe direc ia de deplasare
4. O bjects with straight vertical surfaces placed obliquely on the
4. Obiecte cu suprafe e plane verticale a ezate oblic pe direc ia de deplasare
driving direction
4. Obiecte cu suprafe e plane verticale a ezate oblic pe direc ia de deplasare
5. Rampele sunt greu de detectat
5. Rampele sunt greu de detectat
5. Rampele sunt greu de detectat
5. Rampele sunt greu de detectat
5. Ramps are difficult to detect
6. Obstacolele cu suprafa reflexiv mic
6. Obstacles with small reflective surface
note: T he minimum size of the obstacles for which the detection
is guaranteed is 11 cm
Not : Dimensiunea minim a obstacolelor pentru care detec ia este garantat este de 11 cm.
tHis prOdUct is desiGned tO assist WitH par-
kinG! tHe driver is respOnsiBle FOr tHe saFe
manOeUvrinG OF tHe car!
The precision of the system can be reduced when the car is travelling
Precizia sistemului poate fi redus când autovehiculul se deplaseaz cu vitez !
at high speeds!
V rug m s opri i imediat ce auzi i c sunetul de avertizare a devenit continuu!
Please stop as soon as the warning sound you hear becomes conti-

tecHnical speciFicatiOns

1. Model produs: FXECUV
2. Raz de detec ie senzori:
1. Product model: FXECUV
2.1. Fa : 0 – 1,5 m
2. Sensor detection range:
2.2. Spate: 0 – 2 m
Front: 0 – 1.5 m
3. Tensiune de alimentare:
Rear: 0 – 2 m
4. Curent consumat:
3. Supply voltage: ± 12 V
4.1. Stand-by: 100 mA
4.2. În func iune: 200 mA
4. Power consumption:
Temperatur func ionare: -20 – 85
Stand-by: 100 mA
Operation: 200 mA
5. Operating temperature: -20 – 85 ºC
Specifica ii tehnice
12 V


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