Adjusting the Mask
Headgear: Adjust the headgear crown strap to reduce leaks around your nose and lift
the straps off of your ears
Headgear: Adjust the top straps evenly
Headgear: Adjust the bottom straps evenly
Note: Do not overtighten the headgear.
The location of the headgear crown strap may vary depending on head size. Position the
strap so the mask sits comfortably
Using the Mask
Connect the flexible tubing (included with CPAP or bi-level device) to the quick release
Turn the therapy device on. Lie down. Breathe normally.
Assume different sleeping positions. Move around until comfortable. If there are any
excessive air leaks, make final adjustments. Some air leaking is normal.
Tubing Quick Release
The elbow is equipped with a tubing quick release for the CPAP tubing. Pull on the tubing
quick release and it will disengage from the elbow and come loose with the tubing
Comfort Tips
• The most common mistake is overtightening the headgear. The headgear should fit loose
and comfortable. If your skin bulges around the mask or if red marks appear on your face,
loosen the headgear.
• Re-seat the mask by pulling it directly away from your face and gently setting it back into
Removing the Mask
Disconnect a bottom clip or undo a headgear tab. Slide the headgear forward over your head.