Frozen Hot Chocolate
Makes 1 (18-ounce) serving
Pour milk into mason jar. Add hot cocoa mix,
1 cup milk
ice cubes, ice cream and yogurt. Fasten the
2 tablespoons
blade assembly on the
hot cocoa mix
open end of the mason jar.
1 cup ice cubes
½ cup chocolate
Turn the mason jar upside down and place it
ice cream
in the base, lining up the arrows on the blade
1 container (6 ounces)
assembly with the arrows on the base. Press
vanilla yogurt
the mason jar down in the base or turn the
mason jar clockwise to lock it for hands-free
operation. Blend 30 to 45 seconds or until
Turn the mason jar over and place on a flat
surface. Replace the blade assembly with the
drinking lid.
Protein Energy Shake
Makes 1 (18-ounce) serving
Pour milk and honey into mason jar. Add
1 cup plain soymilk
walnuts, cinnamon and yogurt. Fasten the
2 tablespoons honey
blade assembly on the open end
¼ cup walnuts
of the mason jar.
¼ to ½ teaspoon
ground cinnamon
Turn the mason jar upside down and place it
1 ¼ cups vanilla
in the base, lining up the arrows on the blade
soy yogurt
assembly with the arrows on the base. Press
the mason jar down in the base or turn the
mason jar clockwise to lock it for hands-free
operation. Blend 20 to 30 seconds or until
Turn the mason jar over and place on a flat
surface. Replace the blade assembly with the
drinking lid.
Ball Mason Jar Blender_15EFSM1.indd 8-9
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Berry Morning Medley
Makes 1 (18-ounce) serving
Pour milk and vanilla into mason jar. Add oats,
1 cup milk
berries, yogurt and sugar. Fasten the blade
¼ teaspoon vanilla
assembly on the open end
¼ cup old-fashioned
of the mason jar.
1 cup frozen mixed
Turn the mason jar upside down and place it
in the base, lining up the arrows on the blade
1 container (6 ounces)
assembly with the arrows on the base. Press
plain yogurt
the mason jar down in the base or turn the
1 tablespoon sugar
mason jar clockwise to lock it for hands-free
operation. Blend 20 to 30 seconds or until
Turn the mason jar over and place on a flat
surface. Replace the blade assembly with the
drinking lid.
Green Light Smoothie
Makes 1 (18-ounce) serving
Place ingredients into mason jar in order listed.
½ cup green grapes
Fasten the blade assembly on the open end of
½ cup of baby spinach
the mason jar.
½ cup of baby kale
¼ cup fresh pineapple
Turn the mason jar upside down and place it
in the base, lining up the arrows on the blade
½ fresh medium
assembly with the arrows on the base. Press
banana, peeled
the mason jar down in the base or turn the
¼ medium Granny
mason jar clockwise to lock it for hands-free
Smith apple, cored
operation. Blend 60 seconds or until smooth.
and sliced (optional)
Turn the mason jar over and place on a flat
½ cup of cold water
surface. Replace the blade assembly with the
cup ice cubes
drinking lid. | 9
6/19/15 9:22 AM