Specifications, Especificaciones
Technical Description
The following details outline the safety checks designed into IVAC
Syringe Pumps to minimise
the possibility of under/over infusions.
The system clock, which is used to control the rate of the pump is derived from the
microprocessor crystal oscillator. A watchdog circuit is implemented in the pump to monitor the
correct time period. The watchdog circuit requires the microprocessor to send a reset pulse every
10mS to stop the counter from timing out and triggering the watchdog alarm. The reset signal has
to be in a time ' window' of between 8 to 12mS. If it is either too fast or too slow the watchdog
hardware will detect this and generate a alarm and disable the motor drive. Additionally, on power
up the watchdog is allowed to time-out and the period is measured and tested to be within a set
tolerance. This then confirms that both the microprocessor crystal and the watchdog crystal
frequencies are correct.
A linear potentiometer is incorporated in the unit to detect the movement of the pumping
mechanism. This movement is monitored in the electronics and software of the system. If it is
detected that the mechanism is either moving too fast, too slow, or not moving at all then an error
code will be displayed, the motor drive will be disabled and the pump will stop.
The pump mechanism is driven using a d.c. motor; feedback for the control system is provided by
two opto switches. To enable the motor drive there are three transistors which need to be turned
on. The correct operation of these transistors is tested on power up. The control system monitors
the feedback from the opto encoders and adjusts the motor on time to maintain the required
speed. If there are no encoder signals feedback, indicating that an opto has failed or the
transmission has jammed, an error code will be displayed and the pump will fail-safe. If there are
too many encoders detected by the encoder feedback indication that a transistor has gone short
circuit an error code will be displayed and the pump will fail-safe.The pump calculates the
appropriate motor control rate from the set infusion rate and syringe constant data stored within
the pump software. The syringe constant data converts ml's to mm's of movement for each
syringe type and size.
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7001FAOPT73 ISS 13