Multiple GXS-700 Sensors
Multiple GXS-700 sensors are supported on a single PC (and GxPicture installation).
In the event of multiple sensor installation, after each sensor is connected, the user is
responsible to verify that it is recognized and communicating with the PC.
To do so,
right click on the Status Icon (as above)
select the information dialog
confirm that the newly installed sensor is available to be selected
according to its serial number on the Sensor drop-down list.
If the newly connected sensor does not appear on the list, make sure the USB port that the
sensor is plugged into is connected to the PC on which the installation of GxPicture is running
(and is not, for example, on a USB hub which is connected to a different PC). If the sensor is
connected to the correct PC but does not appear on the Sensor drop-down list, contact Gendex
technical support for further assistance.
Operators of DEXIS or Dentrix software should consult the appropriate software user manual
for the procedure that verifies the presence of a connected sensor. If required, contact
Customer Support (contact info provided in that manual).
GxPicture Software