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3 692 20/30 Ø 6 mm 100 – 240 Vac 50/60 Hz 1 0 0 M r . LEGRAND - Pro and Consumer Service - BP 30076 - 87002 LIMOGES CEDEX FRANCE – www.legrand.com 03/17-01 PC...
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Before carrying out the installation, read the instructions and take account of the product’s specific mounting location. Do not open up, dismantle, alter or modify the device except where specifically required to do so by the instructions. All Legrand products must be opened and repaired exclusively by personnel trained and approved by Legrand.
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Pred inštalacijo preberite navodila in upoštevajte specifično mesto za montažo izdelka. Ne odpirajte, demontirajte, spreminjajte ali preurejajte naprave, razen če je to izrecno navedeno v navodilu. Vse izdelke Legrand lahko odpirajo in popravljajo izključno osebe, ki so se za to usposobile v podjetju Legrand.