Salvador Albert I Riera, 9 – Pol.Ind. Vallmorena
Tel. (34) 93 753 71 71 – Fax(34) 93 753 73 00
08339 VILASSAR DE DALT (Barcelona) España
Blowers with rotating pistons are splash lubricated and waste practically no oil. However, the oil level must be checked
regularly as an excess or a deficit in the level could lead to irreparable damage to the machine.
Filling it with too much oil will cause the oil temperature to rise, leading to possible breakdown of
the lubrication, which will cause damage to the bearings and blower. It could also lead to oil leaks
both internal and external
To ensure the correct lubrication of the blower gears and guarantee their durability, use turbine-type oil at the viscosity
indicated below.
For our machines, it is essential to use a type of oil with a kinematic viscosity of at 100º C of at least 15cSt (sq mm/s)
(ISO VG-220). This type of oil will maintain its properties without problem in blowers discharging gases at a maximum
temperature of 100ºC at the blower output (mineral or synthetic).
For higher discharge temperatures only ISO VG-220 synthetic oil must be used. Kinematic viscosity at 100ºC of at least
24cSt (sq mm/s) (ISO VG-220).
With reference to the different oil manufacturers, PG recommends using factory supplied oil which is available in 5 litre
The correct oil level is as indicated.
1 Oil level sight window
2 Oil filling plug
3 Oil drain plug
4 Pressure connection:
Connection for measurement instrumentation.
Up to blower size
33.30 = 1/4" G
From the size 34 = 1/2" G
5 Condensation hole (Venting)
Size 60 to 31 = 1/8"G
Size 32 to 33 = 1/4"G
Size 24 to 36 = 1/2"G
Air blower the vent connection is open to the atmosphere.
Gas or "closed loop" blowers, the vent is piped off to low pressure clamp, etc., the
system used is dependen on the operating conditions.