Some channels also transmit a text information service (teletext) which can be activated by
pressing the TTX key on the remote control (channels broadcasting teletext are marked with
the symbol
). By following the indications of the index, you can select the required page.
The functionality is not active for all channels.
Multilanguage transmission
If a channel is broadcast in multiple languages, you can select the language in which you want
to listen to the program: press AUDIO, a menu opens in which you can select an alternative
language, if any, with the arrow keys and the OK button.
TV and radio channel search
To search for television and radio channels there are two ways, automatic and manual.
Access the SEARCH menu and selecting AUTO SEARCH the decoder searches for all channels
and saves data. While selecting MANUAL SEARCH it searches for a specific channel.
WARNING: the activation of AUTO SEARCH will delete all previously stored channels,
overwriting a new list of channels sorted according to LCN.
The manual search is especially useful for finding a channel that has been deleted. It is
necessary to enter the transmission channel of the reference MUX (since it can be found on
the network), then press OK and if the channel has been found, it is added to the existing
NOTE: it is also possible to search for free channels only (FTA, Free To Air) by selecting the
appropriate option in the SEARCH menu.