NOTE: The Back Wheel may come pre-installed. Front and rear wheels are installed the same way.
Note: During wheel installation make sure the top edge of the brake pad is even with the top edge of the
rim of the wheel.
Install the waterproof cover into stem.(See Fig. 12-5)
Install the stem of the handle bar into the Fork Tube .(See Fig. 12-6)
Position parallel to the front wheel. Tighten the stem bolt by using a wrench.(See Fig. 12-8)
Fig. 12- 7
Note: Make sure the stem is installed below the Max Height mark. (See
Insert (install) stem into Fork Tube at least to the minimum insertion Line.
Tighten Expander Bolt with a wrench.
Warning: The hand brakes on this bike scooter were not adjusted at the factory before you ride this
bike scooter you must assemble and adjust the hand brakes.
Install brake levers onto handlebar. The brake lever on the right hand side connects to the front brake. and
Assemble and Adjust Hand Brakes
Fig. 12-6
Fig. 12-8
Fig. 12- 7)