Cover the Needle Hand with a sterile surgical glove as shown in Diagram #13. Check
posi on of the Palm Operator is s ll in the desired posi on, and adjust if required.
Diagram #13: Palm Operator posi oned under glove
A ach the SAFIRA Palm Operator to the SAFIRA Driver. The SAFIRA Palm Operator
connects to the SAFIRA Driver socket shown in Diagram #14.
SAFIRA Syringe and SAFIRA Driver Setup:
Open the sterile package and remove SAFIRA Syringe. Use normal hospital technique
to fill and prepare the syringe.
Connect an appropriate needle to the SAFIRA Syringe. Once secured, prime the
SAFIRA Syringe, needle and tubing set to remove the air.
Diagram #15: Needle connected to SAFIRA Syringe
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Diagram #14: SAFIRA Palm Operator connected
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