insufficiently, blade coupling and cutter bar may be damaged or get loose,
which can lead to serious injuries. A worn or damaged blade must
imperatively be replaced.
Pos: 13.9.1 0 /Inne ntei l/Si cherheit svors ch riften/Wa rt ung un d Lage run g/Au swech seln, Na chs chleife n ... Au swuc hten ...Mes ser(kup plun g) Ben zinmä her ne u @ 10\mo d_12 505 836 1710 6_6. docx @ 8 670 9 @ @ 1
The replacement, regrinding and balancing of the blade must be carried out
by an authorised workshop.
Due to an incorrectly assembled blade coupling, the cutter bar may become
loose, which can lead to serious injuries.
An incorrectly ground and unbalanced blade can cause strong vibrations
and damage the lawn mower.
Pos: 13.9.1 1 /Inne ntei l/Si cherheit svors ch riften/Wa rt ung un d Lage run g/Bes chäd igte Tei le erse tzen @ 0\mod_1 115 186 0700 93_ 6.docx @ 261 @ @ 1
For reasons of safety, always replace worn or damaged parts.
Pos: 13.9.1 2 /Inne ntei l/Si cherheit svors ch riften/Wa rt ung un d Lage run g/Schut zhand sch uhe t ragen @ 0\mod_1 115 1861 954 68_ 6.docx @ 263 @ @ 1
Protective gloves must be worn at all times during maintenance and
cleaning work.
Pos: 13.9.1 3 /Inne ntei l/Si cherheit svors ch riften/Wa rt ung un d Lage run g/Bet rieb sstoffe - Sch utzau srüst ung/Date nblä tter (Moto röl+Kraftstoff) @ 64\mod_ 1579 858 529 841_ 6.docx @ 625 402 @ @ 1
When handling operating fluids, such as engine oil and fuel, suitable protective
equipment (e.g. suitable protective gloves) must be worn.
The data sheets of the operating fluids must be observed.
Pos: 13.9.1 4 /Inne ntei l/Si cherheit svors ch riften/Wa rt ung un d Lage run g/Zü ndkerzens tecker a bziehe n Mäher @ 25\mod _13 7716 077 034 cx @ 18 705 4 @ @ 1
Maintenance and cleaning work may only be carried out on level surfaces
with the engine switched off and the spark plug connector disconnected.
Regular maintenance is essential for safety and top performance.
Pos: 13.9.1 5 /Inne ntei l/Si cherheit svors ch riften/Wa rt ung un d Lage run g/Kerzen stecke r niema ls bei laufendem Mo tor ab ziehen @ 13\mod _12 8021 905 695 cx @ 1 1007 3 @ @ 1
Never remove the plug connector when the engine is running! Risk of electric shock.
Pos: 13.9.1 6 /Inne ntei l/Si cherheit svors ch riften/Ha ndhab ung/Kerzenste cker n ur be i abgeküh ltem Moto r abz iehen @ 53\mod_ 151 300 1243 580 cx @ 57 7230 @ @ 1
Only remove the plug connector once the engine has cooled down. Risk of burns!
Pos: 13.9.1 7 /Inne ntei l/Si cherheit svors ch riften/Wa rt ung un d Lage run g/ Auf fe sten Sit z des Zündke rze nstecke rs a chten @ 53\mod _151 300 352 3258 cx @ 57 725 8 @ @ 1
Make sure the spark plug connector is fitted tightly. Risk of electric shock.
Pos: 13.9.1 8 /Inne ntei l/Si cherheit svors ch riften/Wa rt ung un d Lage run g/Tank nu r im Fre ien ent leeren @ 0\mod_ 111 5186 486 750 _6.docx @ 267 @ @ 1
If the tank has to be emptied, this should be done in the open, and with a cold engine.
Take care to ensure that no fuel is spilt.
Pos: 13.9.1 9 /Inne ntei l/Si cherheit svors ch riften/Wa rt ung un d Lage run g/Nu r Origi nalersatzteile ve rwenden SABO+JD @ 2 6\mod_1 3771 684 882 08_6. docx @ 1 875 31 @ @ 1
For reasons of warranty and safety, only genuine spare parts may be used.
Non-equivalent spare parts can damage the machine and are a safety hazard.
Pos: 14.4 /Innente il/Be sch reib ung de r Ba uteile/ Bil d 47-EC ONOM Y @ 45\mo d_14 708 0976 740 9_0. docx @ 5 145 09 @ @ 1
Pos: 14.5 /Innente il/Be sch reib ung de r Ba uteile/4 7-A EC ON OMY @ 6 5\mod_1 594 3030 042 38_ 0.docx @ 6332 69 @ @ 1
Pos: 14.8 /Innente il/Be sch reib ung de r Ba uteile/ Bes chre ibun g der Baute ile 47- A EC ONOMY 47-ECONOMY Sc hnell span ner Text @ 43\mod _146 900 3831 574 cx @ 50 369 7 @ @ 1
Engine stop safety control bar
Drive control bar (depending on model)
Tank cap
Engine cover
Cutting height adjustment
Air filter
Spark plug
Exhaust protection grill
Oil filling nozzle with dipstick
10 Ejection flap
11 Starter cable grip
The following parts are included in the packaging for assembly of the mower:
Mower with preassembled guide bar
Collector sheet, grass collector frame
Tool bag with the following contents:
Operating instructions with declaration of conformity
Warranty conditions (depending on model)
Various fixing parts.
In the unlikely event of a missing part, please contact your dealer.
Pos: 15.4 /Innente il/Vo rbe reiten de Arbei ten/Vo r Monta ge... Holm und... Sta rterseil halte r... Zündke rzen stecke r abz iehen! H inweis @ 32\mod _14 0844 122 947 cx @ 23 912 1 @ @ 1
Always remove the spark plug connector before fitting the bar and starter cable
holder, and when folding the bar out. Following assembly, at the latest before
starting the engine, push the spark plug connector back in place.
Pos: 15.5 /Innente il/Vo rbe reiten de Arbei ten/1.1 Füh ru ngsho lm hoc hste llen ( Abbil dung A1 + B1 + V4 + E1) @ 4 4\mod_1 4696 066 034 19_6. docx @ 5 089 54 @ 2 @ 1
Raise the guide bar (figure A1 + B1 + E1 )
Pos: 15.6 /Innente il/Vo rbe reiten de Arbei ten/Bowde nzüge nic ht kni cken oder e inklemme n WICHT IG @ 44\mod _14 6960 377 3573 cx @ 50 884 6 @ @ 1
Ensure that the Bowden cables are not kinked or trapped when raising the guide
Pos: 15.7 /Innente il/Vo rbe reiten de Arbei ten/Kabel ni cht kn icken ode r einkle mmen W ICHTIG @ 5 8\mod_1 5671 493 929 84_6 .docx @ 6046 82 @ @ 1
Make sure that the cables are not pinched, squeezed, twisted or overstretched
when the guide bars are folded apart or collapsed! Always run the cables along the
outside of the bar connection. A damaged cable may result in a technical defect of
the device.
Open out the Z-shaped, folded guide bar by pulling upwards in the following order:
First, lift up the lower guide bar section A1, push the lower part ends so far apart
that the locking cams pointing inwards on both sides lock into the corresponding
bores B1.
Three different handlebar heights can be set.
To set a different bar height, the wing nuts must be removed, the screws must be
pulled out completely and inserted into the corresponding rectangular holes.
The holes and bores for the lowest and highest height adjustment are in each case
one level above the holes and bores of the medium height adjustment.
Caution: After the screws have been pulled out, the handlebar can turn over
Manually tighten the wing nuts on both sides B1.
Lift the upper guide bar section until upper and lower section of the guide bar are
at one level.
(Figure E1 )
When the upper and lower section of the guide bar are at one level, tighten the wing
nuts manually.
Insert the Bowden cables into the cable guide. This prevents the jamming of the
Bowden cables when collapsing the guide bar.
Pos: 15.9 /Innente il/Vo rbe reiten de Arbei ten/Holm höhenve rstel lung ...Umsc hlagen des Hol ms Hi nweis 4 3er Redes ign, Flü gelmut tern @ 14\mod _12 815 9509 626 9_6.d ocx @ 1 1191 9 @ @ 1
When operating the bar height adjustment, the bar may turn over unintentionally
when loosening the wing nuts B1 to fasten the lower bar section at the housing
and disengaging the locking cams from the bores in the housing. In addition,
there may be pinching points between lower bar section and housing. This may
result in risk of injury.
Handle starter assembly (figure L1 )
Pos: 15.12 / Innen teil/ Vorbe rei tende Arbe iten/Mon tage Starte rse ilhal ter Text Mo torbrem se @ 37\mod _14 361 9023 917 cx @ 3 9970 6 @ @ 1
Remove the starter cable holder (1) from the tool bag.
Unscrew the nut until the two halves can be pushed over the bar.
There is a sticker (2) on the top bar showing the position of the starter cable holder.
For reasons of safety, the starter cable holder may only be fitted in the
prescribed position.
safety grip Press the engine stop control bar (3) onto the upper bar section (4)
and hold it there; pull out the starter cable (5) and insert it into the starter cable
holder (6).
Fit the two halves together, re-tighten the nut. This prevents the starter cable from
popping out.
The starter cable holder must be fitted / aligned in such a way that the starter cable
is freely accessible and does not rub against any other parts.
Pos: 15.13 / Innen teil/ Vorbe rei tende Arbe iten/1.1 Gra sfang sack am Mähe r einhä ngen (Abbil dung R1 + S1) @ 0\mod _11 256 4466 942 5_6.d ocx @ 9 53 @ 2 @ 1
Attaching the grass collecting bag to the mower (figure R1 + S1 )
Pos: 15.14 / Innen teil/ Vorbe rei tende Arbe iten/Grasfan gsack am Mä her ei nhängen Text 43e r Redesig n @ 1 4\mod_1 2815 957 628 45_6. docx @ 1 119 36 @ @ 1
Insert the grass collector frame into the collector sheet with the bar to the front. Align
the top seam of the collector sheet with the bar.
Press the retaining profiles onto the frame of the grass collector frame R1 .
Open the ejection flap of the mower upwards.