6.1 Power supply
Connect t he washing machine to a power supply
(220V to 240V~/ 50Hz; Fig. 6- 1). Please refer also to
6.2 Water connection
Before connect ing check t he cleanliness and clar-
ity of t he water inlet .
Turn on t he t ap (Fig.6- 2).
Note: Tightness
Before use check for leakage in t he joint s between t he t ap and t he inlet hose by turning
on t he t ap.
6.3 Preparing laundry
Sort out clot hes according to fabric (cotton, syn-
t het ics, wool or silk et c.) and t o how dirt y t hey are
(Fig. 6- 3).Pay at t ent ion t o t he care labelling of w-
ashing labels.
Separate white clot hes from coloured ones.
t hey fade or run.
Empty pocket s (keys, coins, etc.) and remove
harder decorat ive object s (e.g. brooches).
a wash bag to care for t his delicate laundry (hand
or dry cleaning would be better).
Close zippers, velco fastener and hooks, make
sure t he buttons are sewn on t ight ly.
hem, delicate underwear (Dessous) and small
items such as socks, belt s, bras, etc. in a wash
Unfold large pieces of fabric such as bed sheet s,
bedspreads etc.
Turn jeans and printed, decorated or color- inten-
sive text iles inside out ; possibly wash separately.
Non- text ile, as well as small, loose or sharp- edged items may cause malfunct ions and
damage of clot hes and appliance.
6- Daily use
6- 1
6- 2
6- 3