Activar S=xx
Activ S=xx M=zz
Alarm abort P=y
Alarm Zone=xx
Anti‐code reset
Auto Add GSM
Auto Add IP card
Auto Add MODEM
Auto Del GSM
Auto Del IP card
Auto Del MODEM
Auto test fail
Auto test OK
Away fail P=y
Away:P=y C=zz
Away:P=y KF=zz
Bell tamper
Bell tamper rst
Box tamper
Box tamper rst
Bypass Box+Bell
Bypass Trbl C=xx
Bypass Zone=xx
Cancel Alarm P=x
Change code=xx
Change FM=yy
Change tag=xx
Clock not set
Clock set C=xx
CO Alarm Zn=xx
CO Rst. Zn=xx
Com ok IP card
Comm OK Siren=y
Comm. OK GSM
Comm.OK I/O Mdl.
Apéndice E Mensajes del Registro de
Activación de la Salida XX
Activación de la Salida XX desde el Mando ZZ
Alarm aborted on partition Y
Alarm in zone no. XX
Remote reset
GSM Module added to the main unit
IP Module added to the main unit
Modem added to the main unit
GSM Module was removed from the main unit
IP Module removed from the main unit
Modem removed from the main unit
Failure of zone self‐test
Automatic zone self‐test OK
Partition Y failed to arm
Partition Y armed by user no. ZZ
Partition Y armed by remote control ZZ
Bell tamper alarm
Bell tamper alarm restore
Box tamper alarm from main unit
Box tamper alarm restore
Box + Bell tamper is bypassed
System troubles were bypassed by user XX
Zone no. XX is bypassed
Cancel alarm event has occurred from partition X. A valid user
function is entered to reset the alarm after the defined Abort alarm
Changing user code XX
Changing Follow‐Me number YY
Changing keypad tag for user XX
Time is not set
Time defined by user no. XX
CO alert from zone XX defined as a CO detector
CO alert restored from zone XX defined as a CO detector
Communication OK between the Agility and IP card
Communication OK between the Agility and Siren Y
Communication OK between the Agility and GSM
Communication OK between the Agility and I/O module
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