• Press the control knob of the selected burner while holding the lit match or the lighting appliance (e.g.
electric lighter) in your hand.
• Turn the knob to the „pilot burner" position as shown in Fig. 9 (counterclockwise)
Figure 9. Setting the knob when only the pilot burner is gas-powered
• gnite the gas via the „pilot burner" with the previously prepared match or lighting appliance, and press
and hold the knob for about 20 seconds (the time it takes for the protection to come into e ect)
ATTENTION! When proceeding with ignition of the pilot burner, please remember that there is air in
the tting, which must be displaced by the incoming gas from the supply system. When the gas has
lled the entire stove tting, the unit actuates.
• Turn the knob (counterclockwise) to the full- ame position (Fig. 10) in order to light the main burner
(lit by the pilot burner). Then turn the knob further in the same direction to get an energy-saving ame
(Fig. 11). The main burner will not be actuated if the pilot burner does not light and heat the gas leak
detector. In the event of a temporary fadeaway of ame, the gas leak detector will cut o the gas supply
to the burner.
Figure 10. Setting of the knob in which the burner operate at its maximum power.
Figure 11. etting of the knob in which the burner operates at its minimum power.
• If you temporarily do not use the burner, turn the pilot knob to the „pilot burner" position (Fig. 9).
• When the burner is not longer in operation, close the gas supply by turning the pilot knob clockwise to
the „closed" position (Fig. 8). Attention! When using LPG, before switching o the burner with the
knob, the cylinder valve must be closed!
Do not move the unit when:
• the unit is connected to a gas cylinder or a gas installation (the kitchen may only be connected/
disconnected from the gas source by a person authorized to provide installation services)
• the surface of the unit is not cooled down
• there are any pots placed on the stove, in the oven or in the cabinet.
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