Mount the brackets for the crossbar to the columns using the M10x20 bolts and M10 nuts provided.
Tighten the bolts carefully.
Slide the two parts of the crossbar into each other.
Connect everything with the supplied bolts M10x20 and nuts M10. Do not tighten the bolts yet!
Place the crossbar on the attached mounting brackets and fix everything with the supplied bolts M8x40
and nuts M8.
Adjust the width of the crossbar taking into account the column installation angles and tighten the screws
in the center of the crossbar.
3. Before anchoring with the dowels, make sure that the two lifting columns are aligned in both directions as
indicated below, if necessary align with shims or shims.
® Copyright ATH-Heinl GmbH & Co. KG / All rights reserved / Misprints and technical changes reserved
Release date: 18.08.2023 / Product manufacturer ATH-Heinl GmbH & Co. KG