4.3 Welding operation
4.3.1 MIG mode operation:
1. Shielding Gas choice
1) When the wire material is Fe, the shielding gas is 80%Ar + 20%CO2 ;
2) When the wire material is Ss, the shielding gas is 98%Ar + 2%O2 ;
3) When the wire material is Al, the shielding gas is 100%Ar.
2. Welding state choice
1) Press the weld manner key, choose MIG manner and the MIG LED is lighted.
3. Press the wire diameter key, choose the wire diameter from (0.6 - 1.2);
4. Press the wire material key, choose the wire from(Fe/Ss/Al) ;
5. Press the welding mode key, choose 2T or 4T.