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Panasonic EW284 Instrucciones De Funcionamiento página 5


Important Instructions Before Use
Instrucciones importantes antes de usar la unidad
1. Do not confuse self-monitoring with self-diagnosis. Blood pressure
measurements should only be interpreted by a health professional
who is familiar with your medical history.
No confunda autocomprobación con autodiagnóstico. Las medidas de la
presión arterial sólo deberán ser interpretadas por un profesional de la
salud que conozca su historial médico.
2. If you are taking medication, consult with your physician to
determine the most appropriate time to measure
your blood
pressure. NEVER
change a prescribed medication without first
consulting with your physician.
Si está tomando medicamentos, consulte a su médico o determine la hora
más apropiada para medir su presión arterial. NUNCA
cambie un
medicamento preserito sin consultar antes a su médico.
3. For persons with irregular or unstable circulation resulting trom
diabetes, liver disease, arteriosclerosis or other medical conditions,
there may be variations in blood pressure values measured at the
wrist versus at the upper arm. Monitoring the trends in your blood
pressure taken at either the arm or the wrist is nevertheless useful
and important.
En las personas cuya circulación de la sangre es irregular o inestable
debido a diabetes, enfermedad del hígado, arterioesclerosis u otras
condiciones médicas, es posible que haya variaciones entre los valores de
la presión arterial medida en la muñeca y en la parte superior del brazo. La
comprobación de las tendencias de su presión arterial medida en el brazo y
en la muñeca resulta no obstante útil e importante.
4. Blood pressure can vary based on many factors, including age,
gender, weight and physical condition. In general, a person's blood
pressure is lower during sleep and higher when he or she is active.
Blood pressure can change easily in response to physiological
changes. The setting in which a person's blood pressure is
measured can also affect the results. Having one's blood pressure

