he ead point a is the inner corner he spur
is the inner part o the ead
area restin a ainst the rim
conca e part a ainst hich the rim shoulder rests
u e type tyres
s a tyre has to contain pressurised
air or a lon period o time an air cham er is used
he al e or insertin
restorin pressurised air is in this case part o the
cham er
u eless tyres
u eless tyres consist o a tyre
ith inner side all lined ith a thin layer o special
impermea le ru
er called a liner. This liner helps
to maintain air pressure in the casin
tyres must e mounted on specific rims on
the al e is fi ed directly
II - R im ( W heel) . he rim is the ri id metal part hich
connects the ehicle hu to the tyre on a fi ed ut
non-permanent asis
Rim profile. he rim profile is the shape o the
section in contact ith the tyre t is made ith di -
erent eometric shapes that ser e to ensure easy
assem ly o the tyre insertin the ead into the
channel sa ety on the mo e in terms o anchorin
the ead in its seat
hen o ser in a section o the rim it is possi le to
identi y di erent parts that compose it a rim idth
shoulder hei ht c tu eless anchorin
al e hole
entilation openin
central hole diameter h connection hole centre to
centre distance i
eyin diameter
III - A ir chamb er ( tub e type tyres) .
is a closed rin -li e ru
hich contains pressurised air
V alv e.
he al e is a mechanical de ice to in ate
de ate the tyre and maintain air pressure inside the
air cham er or tyre in the case o tu eless tyres
t consists o three elements the al e closin cap
a to protect the internal mechanism rom dust and
uarantee air ti htness an internal mechanism
and the ase c the outer linin
u eless n ator n ation system that ma es easier
the in ation o tu eless tyres
U ser' s manual
he ase c is the
he roo e d is the
controllin and
his type o
o set
rim channel
he air cham er
er structure
ith a al e