Table continued from last page
Error name
Err 005
Err 006
Err 007
Err 008
Err 014
Err 015
Possible cause
Overheating of
Ambient tempera-
user interface
ture is too high,
NTC sensor is
Self Clean door
Door lock on the
lock failure
appliance is mal-
Failure of power
Failure of power
board relay sup-
Overheating of
Ambient tempera-
power board
ture is too high,
NTC sensor is
Cooktop activa-
Cooktop was acti-
tion during active
vated while the
Self Clean func-
Self Clean func-
tion was active.
Zero cross failure
Failure on electron-
on power board
Check ambient temperature in the
room. Cool down the appliances. Dis-
connect the cooking range from the
power mains for a few minutes (undo
the fuse or switch off the main switch);
then, reconnect the cooking range to
the power main. If the problem per-
sists, contact service.
Check position of pots. Pots position
might influence temperature on the
user interface.
Stop Self Clean function, wait until the
door is unlocked and start it again. If
the problem persists, contact service.
Check correct voltage in house instal-
lation. Disconnect the cooking range
from the power mains for a few min-
utes (undo the fuse or switch off the
main switch); then, reconnect the
cooking range to the power mains. If
the problem persists, contact service.
Check ambient temperature in the
room. Cool down the appliances. Dis-
connect the cooking range from the
power mains for a few minutes (undo
the fuse or switch off the main switch);
then, reconnect the cooking range to
the power mains. If the problem per-
sists, contact service.
Turn off any active cooktop heater and
start Self Clean function again.
Disconnect the cooking range from the
power mains for a few minutes (undo
the fuse or switch off the main switch);
then, reconnect the cooking range to
the power mains. If the problem per-
sists, contact service.
EN 33