For intensive use of the product, it is recommended to replace the ba eries/ba eries every 6 months.
The guarantee for the ba eries/ba eries is 6 months.
NOTE: Check rear tyre pressure (2.4-3bar) before fi rst use. The pressure should also be checked
In the event of a product-related 'serious incident' that directly or indirectly led to, could have led to
or is likely to lead to any of the following:
(a) the death of a pa ent, user or other person; or
(b) temporary or permanent deteriora on of the health of a pa ent, user or other person, or
(c) a serious threat to public health
this 'serious incident' should be reported to the manufacturer and to the competent authority of the
Member State in which the user or pa ent is resident. For Poland, the competent authority is the
Offi ce for Registra on of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products.
If you experience pain, allergic reac ons or other distressing, unclear symptoms related to the use of
the medical device, consult a healthcare professional.
WARNING: During use and handling of the product and when assembling and adjus ng the
mechanisms, there may be a danger of trapping and/or pinching parts of the user's/companion's body
in the openings/gaps between components. Perform these opera ons with par cular care.
NOTE: There may be a risk of pping over if the product is used incorrectly. Please follow the
instruc ons for ge ng on/off / moving. Once the adjustment is complete, stabilise the posi on by
ghtening the nuts/bolts carefully.
Persons suff ering from diseases, dysfunc ons or injuries for the treatment/rehabilita on or
compensa on of which this device is intended (see sec on on intended use of the device in this
instruc on manual). The device can be purchased by the user on their own or on the recommenda on
of a doctor, therapist or other specialist. Whether you purchase the device yourself or on the
recommenda on of a doctor/therapist/other specialist, you must take into account the available
sizes/necessary func ons and variants of the device, the indica ons and contraindica ons for use and
the informa on provided by the manufacturer.
Dispose of the electrical medical device in accordance with the obligatory rules. Handle in a manner
appropriate to the disposal of electrical and electronic equipment.
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