4.2 Preparations for Jøtul F 105 with
short legs
Jøtul F 105 SL (with short legs) can only be installed on
fl oors whose surface and structure are both made of non-
fl ammable materials. This applies also if the product rests
on a fl oor plate.
NB: The non-fl ammable area must extend to at least 500
mm in front of the stove.
NB: We advise against installing underfl oor heating
(whether water or electric) in this area.
For further information please see Approved Document J2010
Section 2.22.
Fig. 7
1. Remove the two transport screws (A) that fasten the stove
to the wooden pallet.
2. Leave the stove standing on the transport pallet.
3. Take out the gloves, baffl e, bag of screws, external air
connector and adapter lying in the burn chamber.
4. Check that the control lever (B) moves easily.
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Fig. 8
5. Install the height adjustment screws with plastic caps
placed in the bag of screws.
6. Lift the stove from the pallet.
7. Set up the stove and adjust using a cap wrench to a
horizontal position with the 4 height adjustment screws.
Mark on the wall if there has to be a rear outlet for fl ue pipe
and external air supply. NB: Take into account the height
of the fl oor plate.
Approval label
Fig. 9
8. Take the approval label (A) out of the burn chamber and
fasten it with the screw (B), as displayed. Tighten the screw
with a cap wrench. NB: Do not cut off the wire used for
fastening the label.