Input voltage protection:
1. The following rules must be followed when modifying the battery's input voltage parameters:
• Over-voltage limiting voltage (16.2) ≥ Over-voltage disconnect voltage ≥ Over-voltage
reconnect voltage +1V.
• Over-voltage reconnect voltage ≥ Low-voltage reconnect voltage.
• Low-voltage reconnect voltage ≥ Low-voltage disconnect voltage +1V.
• Low-voltage disconnect voltage ≥ Low-voltage limiting voltage (10.5V).
2. The detailed status is shown as follows when the input voltage protection occurs:
Input voltage protection
Over voltage protection
Over voltage recovery
Low voltage protection
Low voltage recovery
3. Note: While the inverter is equipped with input over-voltage protection, the surge voltage must
not exceed 20V for the 12V system. Otherwise, the inverter may be damaged.
The output is switched OFF
The green indicator flashes fast.
The buzzer beeps.
The LCD display shows
The green indicator is ON without
The output voltage is normal.
The output is switched OFF
The green indicator flashes slowly.
The buzzer beeps.
The LCD display shows
The green indicator is ON without
The output voltage is normal.