1 General Information
Please read this instruction manual carefully before applying the sealing
lip liner.
Serial number and size are printed on the distal cap of the sealing lip liner.
Before using a new sealing lip liner for the first time, it should be CARE-
FULLY washed and dried 2 – 3 times. This reduces the initially high adhesion
of the material, which may cause skin reactions in the case of sensitive skin.
2 Technical Data
Please refer to our latest catalogue „Prosthetics – lower extremities, socket comfort" for
available silicone liner sizes and qualities. To determine the correct liner size, measure the distal
circumference approx. 4 cm (1½") above the stump end and select the liner size according to
the chart. The sealing lip liner is equipped with 4 sealing lips. Sealing lip liners provide a unique
combination of product features, offering optimal protection of the soft tissue and a high
degree of wearing comfort.
Total length:
Wall thickness:
The 65S1 Control4Sil.basic and 65S5 Control4Sil.conic Sealing lip liners are to be used
exclusively for prosthetic care and are approved for amputees with activity class (Walky-classes)
1 to 4.
The wall thickness of the cylindrical 65S1 sealing lip liner and of the conical
65S5 sealing lip liner is identical.
3 Designated use
The sealing lip liners are exclusively intended for the prosthetic care of residual limbs.
4 Mode of Action
• fixation of the stump to the prosthesis by vacuum socket technology (VST)
• compression of the stump (edema prevention, reduction of limb volume changes)
• Shock absorption
• Protection and care of the skin
approx. 400 mm (14.5")
see Fig. 1, a: Control4Sil.basic, 65S1/26,5 – 50
b: Control4Sil.conic, 65S5/25 – 40
medical grade silicone