properly engaged (see figure 17).
8 - On NHT 1P model install the lateral tray by reversing the
disassembly steps (see figure 6).
9 - Use fresh product to chase any remaining sanitizer from
the bottom of the bowl(s). Drain this solution. Do not rinse
out the machine.
The In-Place Sanitization prior to starting the machine may be
performed, if needed, only as further precaution, in addition to
the Disassembled Parts Sanitization described before, but
never in lieu of it.
1 - Prepare two gallons of a warm (45-60°C / 120-140 °F)
s a ni t iz i n g s o l u t i o n ( 1 0 0 P P M a v a i la b l e c h l o r i n e
concentration or 1 spoon of sodium hypoclorite diluted with
half a gallon of water) according to your local Health
Codes and manufacturer's specifications.
2 - Pour the solution into the bowl(s).
3 - Using a brush suitable for the purpose, wipe the solution
on all surfaces protruding above the solution-level and on
the underside of the top cover(s).
4 - Install the top cover(s) and operate the unit. Allow the
solution to agitate for about two minutes. Drain the solution
out of the bowl(s).
5 - Use fresh product to chase any remaining sanitizer from
the bottom of the bowl(s). Drain this solution. Do not rinse
out the machine.
figure 17
The rear seal, P.N. 33800-08600 (Nr. 11 in the exploded
view), must be kept lubricated, in the shaded rear area,
with food grade approved lubrificant. To prevent from
damages to the machine,it must be replaced every 2000
To remove the rear seal sqeeze it to break the suction (see
figure 18)
In order to prevent damages to the machine, the "Rear
Seal" must be replaced every 2000 hours.
1 - Daily: inspect the machine for signs of product leaks past
seals and gaskets. If proper assembly does not stop leaks
around seals or gaskets, check for improper lubrication,
worn or damaged parts. Replace parts as needed.
2 - Monthly on NHT 1P GL, NHT 2 GL and NHT 3 GL
models: remove the dust from the condenser filter.
Before any disassembly and/or cleaning procedure
make sure that the dispenser is disconnected from its
power source by unplugging it or switching off the 2-
pole wall breaker.
3 - Replacement of lighted top cover bulb: remove the fixing
screw placed in the upper part of the top cover, remove the
lower part and replace the bulb (using a 24-28V 21W max
bulb). Reassemble the top cover and replace the fixing
screw.(vedere figure 19)
figure 18
figure 19
Ugolini S.p.A.