M e s s a g e s
To save the text message that you are writing and wish to send later in the Saved
items folder, select Options > Save message > Saved text msgs.. For multimedia
messages, select Options > Save message.
indicates unsent messages.
To organize your text messages, you can move some of them to My folders or add
new folders for your messages. Select Messages > Saved items > Text messages >
My folders.
To add a folder, select Options > Add folder. If you have not saved any folders,
select Add.
To delete or rename a folder, scroll to the desired folder, and select Options >
Delete folder or Rename folder.
■ Flash messages
Flash messages are text messages that are instantly displayed upon reception.
Write a flash message
Select Menu > Messages > Create message > Flash message. Write your message.
The maximum length of a flash message is 70 characters. To insert a blinking text
into the message, select Insert blink char. from the options list to set a marker. The
text after the marker blinks until a second marker is inserted.
Receive a flash message
A received flash message is not automatically saved. To read the message, select
Read. To extract phone numbers, e-mail addresses, user ID, and Web site addresses
from the current message, select Options > Use detail. To save the message, select
Save and the folder in which you want to save the message.