3.2. General inspection
Your distributor, who has the required technical expertise, is
responsible for any wheelchair repairs.
We recommend that you take the wheelchair to your
retailer at least once a year for a complete inspection.
Regular maintenance allows the identification and
replacement of defective and worn parts, which improves the
daily operation of your wheelchair.
Regular inspections to be performed by you or your
assistants :
a. General
Make sure that the wheelchair folds and unfolds easily.
Make sure that the wheelchair moves in a straight line. (no
resistance or deviation)
b. Attendant brakes
Make sure that the attendant brake shoes or mechanism do
not touch the moving tyres.
Make sure that the attendant brakes operate easily.
Make sure that the joints are not worn and do not have
excessive play.
c. Folding system
Check the folding system for worn or distorted parts.
d. Skirtguard/armrest upholstery
Make sure that all the fittings are properly tightened.
e. Armpad
Make sure that the armpads are in good condition.
f. Seat and backrest upholstery
Make sure that the upholstery is in good condition.
g. Rear wheels
Make sure that the wheel nuts and precision bearings are
tight. Make sure that the wheels are parallel to the frame.
h. Castors
Make sure that the axle is tight by turning the wheel the
wheel must gradually come to a stop.
i. Fork/steering tube
Make sure that all the fittings are well tightened.
j. Solid tyres
Check the wear of the solid tyre tread.
k. Cleaning and Disinfection
Cleaning: Use only damp clothes and gentle detergent. Do
not use abrasive or scouring liquid. Do not use high pressure
cleaning devices on ball bearings (front & rear wheels, fork
Disinfection: Spray or wipe disinfection using a tested and
recognised product is permitted. A list of the current
permitted disinfectants is available from the Robert Koch
Institute at http://www.rki.de
Make sure you dry the wheelchair if it is wet (e.g. after
washing it or going out in the rain).