Approval for HVLP mandated areas
Approval for HVLP mandated areas for SATAjet
guns in RP technology (please refer to chart below)
SATA spray gun types as listed in the chart below are approved for sales
in the HVLP mandated areas within the USA listed on the SATA website and are subject to the following conditions.
■ The approvals are only valid for the spray guns listed in the chart below
under the supposition that the air pressure supplied to the spray guns
shall not exceed the maximum inlet pressure listed in the chart.
■ A SATA air micrometer with gauge 0/845, product number 27771, with
color coded reading screen showing max. 32 psi with blue coding or
a SATA adam 2 (additional digital air micrometer), product number
160853, shall be attached to the standard spray guns listed in the
chart below other than DIGITAL spray guns (see also chart below)
and be in good working condition during spraying.
Spray gun type
SATAjet 3000 B RP 35 psi
SATAjet 3000 B RP
SATAjet 4000 B RP 32 psi
SATAjet 4000 B RP
SATAjet 100 B RP
SATAjet 100 B P
SATAjet 1000 B RP 32 psi
Please see for details!
Additional measurement acces-
sory required
35 psi
32 psi
32 psi
32 psi
SATA adam (no
longer available)
SATA adam 2 U
Micrometer with
SATA adam 2
SATA adam 2 mini