5 Troubleshooting
No sound: 1. Power to mixer
Distortion: 1. Gain control on the
C 520 L: Also read the transmitter and receiver manuals!
Possible Cause
and/or amplifier is off.
2. Channel or master
fader on mixer, or vol-
ume control on am-
plifier is at zero.
3. Microphone is not
connected to mix er
or amplifier.
4. Cable connectors are
seated loosely.
5. Cable is defective.
6. No supply voltage.
mixer set too high.
2. Mixer input sensitivity
too high.
1. Switch power to
mixer or amplifier on.
2. Set channel or mas-
ter fader on mixer or
volume control on
amplifier to desired -
lev el.
3. Connect microphone
to mixer or amplifier.
4. Check cable connec-
tors for secure seat.
5. Check cable and re-
place if damaged.
6. Switch phantom
power on.
Phantom power sup-
ply: connect to power
outlet or insert bat-
Check cable and re-
place if necessary.
1. Turn gain control
down CCW.
2. Connect a 10-dB
preattenuation pad
between microphone
cable and input.
AKG C 520/C 520 L