Transmitter ID
This number identifies a single transmitter inside an SFN or MFN network. This
ID can be used in combination with the MIP packet to address a specific transmitter
site in order to configure some of its parameters (such as time delay offset, RF
frequency offset, radiated power, user-defined private data, cell ID, bandwidth other
than 6, 7 and 8 MHz) regardless of what the configuration for the rest of the network
might be. An ID of 0 designates all transmitters and thus cannot be use to single out a
Network ID
This number serves as a unique identification code for DTT networks. The
allocation of these codes may be found in document ETSI ETR 162. When
"NETWORK:Update NET ID" is ON, the network ID in the actual NIT table (that is, the
network of which the TS containing the NIT is part) is replaced with the network ID
specified here. The CRC of the NIT table is updated accordingly and the NIT version
number is increased by 1.
Update Net ID
The two available options are ON and OFF. When this is set to ON, the
network_id field found in the NIT of the actual network (NIT with table_id = 0x40) is
replaced with the Network ID specified with the menu entry "NETWORK:Network ID".
Centre Frequency
This represents the centre frequency that replaces the value currently stored in
the NIT when "NETWORK:Update Centre Freq." is ON. This frequency is expressed in
10 Hz units.
Update Centre Freq.
When this entry is set to ON, the 32-bit centre_frequency and frequency fields
cell_frequency_link_descriptor, respectively, of the actual network (NIT with table_id =
0x40) are replaced with the value specified in menu entry "NETWORK:Centre
Frequency". The incoming 32-bit CRC field and NIT version are updated accordingly.
Note that for the descriptor cell_frequency_link_descriptor (which contains a complete
list of cell IDs and frequencies in use in these cells for the TS multiplex described) we
pair the centre frequency with the cell ID being currently broadcast using the TPS bits.
This cell ID might in turn be either
alternatively, the one defined with the menu entry "MODULATOR:Cell ID".
the one extracted from the MIP packet or,
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