Important: To ensure regular defrosts, the interval between defrosts must be greater
than the maximum defrost duration, plus the dripping time and post-dripping time.
Note: during the defrost, temperature alarms are disabled.
Default: dI =8 hours.
dt1: set point temperature at end of evaporator defrost
This parameter is used to set the end defrost temperature, measured on the evapora-
tor. In any case, the maximum defrost duration is equal to the value, in minutes, set for
parameter 'dP1'.
• If when a defrost is requested, the temperature measured by the defrost probe on
the evaporator is greater than the value set for the end defrost, the cycle is not perfor-
med (including the dripping and post-dripping phases).
The same is true for the defrost on start-up, from digital contact, from RTC and from
the keypad.
• If the defrost probe on the evaporator is faulty or disabled, the controller performs a
timed defrost, with a duration equal to the value set for parameter 'dP1'.
• If the end defrost set point is not reached within the time set for parameter dp1, the
defrost is stopped. If enabled (parameter 'A8'), the error 'Ed1' is displayed, which per-
sists until the start of the next defrost cycle.
In the defrost by temperature, the parameter establishes the threshold for activating or
deactivating the corresponding defrost relay.
dt2: end defrost temperature set point, auxiliary evaporator
dt2 acts in the same way as parameter dt1 described above, but referring to the auxi-
liary evaporator.
Notes for dt1 and dt2: in the defrost by temperature, the parameter establishes the
threshold for activating or deactivating the corresponding defrost relay.
dP1: Maximum evaporator defrost duration
Determines the maximum defrost duration on the evaporator in minutes (or seconds,
see parameter 'dC') if defrost by temperature is selected. If timed defrost has been
selected, this is the actual duration of the defrost.
dP2: Maximum defrost duration, auxiliary evaporator
As for parameter dP1 described above, but refers to the auxiliary evaporator.
English - 34
Code CT55900010
Rev. 03 - 07/'06