The EnOcean master luminaire (‚...+EOM') enables the wireless
control of two luminaire groups each with up to 15 TouchDim-
compatible ballasts.
EnOcean is a battery-free radio technology that converts lo-
cally available ambient energy into electrical energy, so-called
energy harvesting. In this way, kinetic energy from pressing a
switch is converted to electrodynamic energy for example. The
converted energy is used to transmit a short radio signal to a
special reception unit.
The radio receiver integrated in the luminaire converts the ra-
dio signals of the WCU wall transmitter (TOC 6012100) or RMC
hand transmitter (TOC 6012000) into Touch Dim signals and
transmits these to the connected luminaires.
The radio system consists of two channels (Ch 1 and Ch 2). The
luminaire groups connected to the ‚Ch 1' and ‚Ch 2' outputs
can be operated independently of each other via the radio wall
transmitter or radio hand transmitter.
Teaching in of the transmitters is required in the radio receiver
in the luminaire.
The radio transmitter enables the wireless control of an Enoce-
an master luminaire, and thus of two or four luminaire groups
each having up to 15 TouchDim-compatible ballasts.
The transmitter sends radio signals to the radio receiver in the
Enocean master luminaire which converts and transmits these
to the connected ballasts. The transmitter requires no batte-
ries and is thus completely maintenance-free. The required
transmission energy is created by button pressing with the aid
of an integral, inductive Piezo energy converter.
Radio wall transmitter WCU
The radio wall transmitter consists of the following com-
Operating button (A) for luminaire group 1 (channel 1 of
master luminaire)
Operating button (B) for luminaire group 2 (channel 2 of
master luminaire)
After the radio wall transmitter has been taught in, both
groups can be controlled independently of each other.
The radio wall transmitter can be screw-fastened or bonded
to flat surfaces.
Switching the luminaire on/off
Briefly pressing one of the channel buttons of the radio trans-
mitter switches the luminaire group connected to the corre-
sponding channel either on or off.
Modifying the brightness
Pressing and holding one of the wall transmitter channel but-
tons modifies brightness of the luminaire group connected to
this channel.
Each renewed pressing and holding alternately increases and
reduces brightness.