Ferm FDJS-710 Manual De Instrucciones página 7

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Skære ind
Fig. 9
Hvis startpositionen på arbejdsemnet ikke er helt ud til kanten, eller hvis der ikke allerede
er boret et hul, er De nød til at skære ind. For at gøre det, gå frem som følger:
Sæt saven på den afrundede front af bundpladen.
Sæt maskinen til og sænk langsomt saven indtil den rører arbejdsemnet.
Lad saven skære ned i arbejdsemnet forsigtigt, uden at forcere den.
Når De er nået igennem arbejdsemnet, tag saven ud af hullet.
Sæt udstyret (saven) på i den normale position og fortsæt savningen.
De kan også skære ind ved først at bore at hul i arbejdsemnet. For at gøre det, skal De
bruge et bor der laver et hul, der er stort nok til savklingen. Nu kan De fortsætte med de
trin der er beskrevet under 'Savning'.
Under vedligeholdsarbejder skal ledningen for strømtilførslen altid være fjernet
fra stikkontakten.
Hold stiksaven regelmæssigt ved lige for at forekomme unødvendige problemer. Dette vil
sikre at Deres redskab forbliver i top kvalitet.
Hold bundpladen ren, således at der ikke opstår nogen uregelmæssigheder under
Hold ydersiden af stiksaven ren, således at alle bevægende dele kan bevæge sig
uden at slides.
Hold ventilationsåbningerne til motoren rene, således at motoren ikke bliver over
Hvis kullene er slidte vil saven køre larmende og ujævnt. Til slut vil saven ikke
længere kunne virke. Få kullene udskiftet hos Deres forhandler.
Smør styringen til savklingen regelmæssigt.
Den elektriske motor
bliver varm.
Motoren er blevet
Sav med en lavere
overbelastet med et
hastighed så at motoren
arbejdsemne der er for
kan køle ned.
Motor fungere ikke
Kontakt venligst
serviceadressen på
Faulty and/or discarded electrical or electronic apparatus have to be collected
at the appropriate recycling locations.
Special safety instructions
Before using the appliance:
Check the following points:
Does the voltage of the motor (230 V) correspond with the mains voltage?
Are the feeder cable and plug in good condition: sturdy, without loose bits or
Has the saw blade lost any teeth and is it showing cracks or fractures?
If so, replace the saw blade immediately.
Is there enough room under the workpiece so that the saw blade does not come
contact with the floor or work table as it moves up and down?
Do the teeth of the saw blade point upwards?
Always wear protective goggles when using the appliance.
Maintain the appliance carefully.
Do not use the appliance in a wet environment.
Do not use the appliance for material which contains asbestos.
Never leave the jigsaw unattended.
Check that the switch is not interlocked in the 'On' position
Using the appliance
Clamp the workpiece that you will be sawing in firmly into place.
Remove any wood residue that is near or stuck to the surface of the saw blade; do
not use your hand for this. Switch the appliance off before removing any residue!
Always switch the jigsaw on in idle, i.e. switch the jigsaw on before bringing it into
contact with the workpiece.
When sawing the wood watch out for knots, nails, cracks and/or dirt deposits.
These can cause the saw blade to jam dangerously. Also watch out for this with waste
wood. This often requires less careful sawing, so there is a danger that you may not
be quite so careful about watching out for irregularities in the wood.
Do not saw workpieces that are thicker than the length of the saw blade.
Do not touch metal parts of the jigsaw when sawing in walls or floors in which there
could be electricity cables. Hold the jigsaw tightly with both hands on the plastic grip
so that you do not touch parts that could become live if you accidentally saw through
an electricity cable.
When you have finished sawing, switch off the appliance first and wait until the saw
blade comes to a standstill before removing it from the workpiece.
Do not use long extension cables.
Keep the plastic guard in place while the jigsaw is in use.


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